length of the game

by ajquick1

16 years ago

Keep in mind that there are going to be puzzels too that might not be so obvious to figure out.

As far as I know.. most games aim for 30 hours of gameplay.

by skankerzero

16 years ago

AJ Quick;135416
As far as I know.. most games aim for 30 hours of gameplay.


We're not talking RPGs here…

Most action games aim for 8 - 10 hours.

by mdp872105

16 years ago

Where ghostbusters fans i will take us one day to beat and about two years of exploring every nook and cranny to find any thing we may have missed. :-)

Then there is online game play. Face it you have stolen our lives.

There is no life only zuul.

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

AJ Quick;135416
As far as I know.. most games aim for 30 hours of gameplay.

30 hours? Try half that time at the most I'd say.

As skankerzero said, most action games run about 10-12 hours. Fable 2 is probably 30 hours if you go around doing everything