Lengthy new gameplay/cutscene video

by demonaz

15 years, 9 months ago

So far, I'm not watching this video…..but I don't know how long I can resist…..maybe resistance is futile..

by Timmons

15 years, 9 months ago

guys the video shows not much new tbh, and there are only tiny snippets of cutscenes we havent seen but there is no sound to them when they are on and there isnt neary enough footage to understand it…

The gameplay footage is nearly all stuff we have seen before. There is a viewing of the main menu and career menu we havent seen though but thats a small detail. Most of the footage is just the same level as the walkthrough that the atari producer did in a vid a month back.

So really there arent any significant ruining spoilers.

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

So far, I'm not watching this video…..but I don't know how long I can resist…..maybe resistance is futile..

There are not that many spoilers.

All There is is: A fight with two bellhops, a couple secret item locations (It's not THAT bad.) and a snippet of a cutscene where the Rookie get's stairs dropped on him by Sargassi.

Nothing that really explains anything, and nothing truely PLOT related.

Just some level specific spoilers.

by Heslimedme80

15 years, 9 months ago

Xbox rep and friend of mine who is also watching this game closely said that the demo should hit xbox live approximately 3 weeks before the game hits retail. so we shall see..(*peter)

slimer jr;144066
When is the demo come out i hope june 5

by superstarseven

15 years, 9 months ago

I don't know, I thought that minute of footage where we see Vigo and Gozer team up was pretty spoilery.

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

Xbox rep and friend of mine who is also watching this game closely said that the demo should hit xbox live approximately 3 weeks before the game hits retail. so we shall see..(*peter)

I thought about this for awhile, then I told a friend. We talked about it and this is our response.


by Anderson-GB

15 years, 9 months ago

I don't know, I thought that minute of footage where we see Vigo and Gozer team up was pretty spoilery.

uuhhh…what video??!!

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

uuhhh…what video??!!

Ignore the troll.

Vigos pride wouldn't let him team up with anyone.

and Gozer would want to kill Vigo just because he's part of this dimension.

by superstarseven

15 years, 9 months ago

Whoa..what troll?

Screw you dude, it's called having fun.

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

Did you know: Trolls get amusement from others pain and confusion, OH and their anger?

I learned that along time ago. Now it's your turn!