Lengthy new gameplay/cutscene video

by KansasCityGB

15 years, 9 months ago

is there an easy way to find out which gamestops are doing the midnight deal. There are too many to call.

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 9 months ago

Doctor Venkman;144252
That's a somewhat odd statement… they're probably not “legit” if they're selling games early, as that's technically not legal.

ooook.. i mean the games are legit..not knock off games


i can care less about was is “technically not legal”

Not my problem…they are the sellers

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

I have a question: Why would they say RELEASE date, if their shipping it to the stores? Or are they Releaseing the game, to the stores….

Wouldn't that be Shipping date then? And then Selling date afterwords?

I think this whole Date thing needs to be dropped… It's to confusing.

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 9 months ago

I have a question: Why would they say RELEASE date, if their shipping it to the stores? Or are they Releaseing the game, to the stores….

Wouldn't that be Shipping date then? And then Selling date afterwords?

I think this whole Date thing needs to be dropped… It's to confusing.

16th is the official shipping dates…meaning thats the day Gamestop will get the game from the trucks…

It seems like now they are gonna sell the games at midnight of the 16th (really the 17th if you think about it)

So i was right all along…THIS GAME COMES OUT ON THE 17TH!!!!!


by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

16th is the official shipping dates…meaning thats the day Gamestop will get the game from the trucks…

It seems like now they are gonna sell the games at midnight of the 16th (really the 17th if you think about it)

So i was right all along…THIS GAME COMES OUT ON THE 17TH!!!!!


-Sigh- You just don't get a hint do you?

This is not the place to talk about WHEN the game comes out, and noone wants to talk about it anymore.

On another point this thread is called Lengthy new gameplay/cutscene video NOT Game release date is 16 but it really comes out on 17 debate.

Please, Just drop it.

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 9 months ago

well i just read whats on the screen…i cant sense tone…

so back of man, im a fan…

by justinmarkus

15 years, 9 months ago

“Pre-order Ghostbusters by June the 15th at 11am CST with overnight shipping and get guaranteed delivery on the street date of June the 16th! If your product does not arrive on the street date, we will fully refund your shipping charge. Continental United States only. Must have Overnight Service available in your area. Offer void if you are unable to accept a delivery that was attempted. Not responsible for orders delayed due to inclement weather, incorrect address, credit card information, or major appliances coming to life as Dr. Peter Venkman says ”Normally, you don't see that kind of behavior in major appliance."

right off the gamestop website. street date as in date it goes on shelves is the 16th.
now back to topic. loving the gameplay footage. i cant stay away

by rockstar232007

15 years, 9 months ago

ooook.. i mean the games are legit..not knock off games


i can care less about was is “technically not legal”

Not my problem…they are the sellers
Yeah! but you would be in possession of pirated/stolen software, which is pretty much the same as buying/receiving, stolen property. So, I wouldn't be too quick to brag about things like that, over the internet, especially if your buying from Arabs/Middle Eastern people, at “swap meets”.

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 9 months ago

Yeah! but you would be in possession of pirated/stolen software, which is pretty much the same as buying/receiving, stolen property. So, I wouldn't be too quick to brag about things like that, over the internet, especially if your buying from Arabs/Middle Eastern people, at “swap meets”.

Thanks but no thanks on your concern…its not stolen property just because something is sold before the official streetdate. Everything is legit about them expect for when they are suppose to be selling the item but again…thats not a buyers fault.

ive been getting hated on ever since i opened my mouth about getting it earlier than everyone else… whats ya'll deal???

im not even bragging im just speaking on something cool but i guess thats a problem for some people….

by rockstar232007

15 years, 9 months ago

Thanks but no thanks on your concern…

ive been getting hated on ever since i opened my mouth about getting it earlier than everyone else… whats ya'll deal???
Believe me, it's not that your getting it earlier than “everyone” else, it's that you insist on constantly bragging about it (especially the, where, and, the how part), like we care! We've waited 3 YEARS! (Some of us, our WHOLE lives) for this game to be made/finished/released, so a few more weeks wait, isn't going to make any difference. So have fun, with your ILLIGAL! copy of the game, while the rest of us have/will LEAGALY purchase(d) the game, and actually contribute(d) to the FAILING! economy. Not to mention, that you could potentially/possibly, be supporting TERRORISM!

Sleep on that!(*peter)

EDIT: When you know that we've been waiting so long, for this game, and then you turn around and say, “I can get this two weeks earlier”, how do you expect people to react!