let say you were in charge of making the teaser trailer for GB3?

by river_of_slime

22 years, 5 months ago

How would you make the trailer, now you can't tell nobody it's gb's till the end of preview.

My version will start with a black screen and then you see a green dot way in the background coming towards you then you here a voice that says “Get him”. So you see a proton beam coming from the left side of the screen and it catches it and then all the sudden the you hear “were back” and no ghost logo pops up and says Ghostbusters 3 summer 2004

BTW if you don't know what the green dot is then you got to watch GB1,GB2, and RGB

by LordVego

22 years, 5 months ago

hmmm…i like urs thats great…i would have a black screen that says coming summer 2004 that flames eat the screen that cuts into a scene with goblins and ghosts and demons all coming out of a hole in the sky in new york all commanded by a pumkin headed demon on top of a building, the next scene we see a phone and it rings, all we see is a hand pick it up and the camera floows the phone to the head and we see Janine Melnitz and she says “Hello? Ghostbusters.” And we see the guys in all different scenes where the bust ghosts while the Ray Parker Jr. GB theme blasts in the background, and it ends as you see a proton beam comes right at the audience and a black screen with the new no ghost symbol holding 3 fingers.

by Ash

22 years, 5 months ago

A black screen. Red letters fade in, (with voice over) “They're not ‘real’” Fade out. Fade in, (with voice over) “They're not ‘extreme’” Fade out. Fade in, (voice over) “They're just…”. No-Ghost Logo zooms in from nowhere to the middle of the screen. “GHOSTBUSTERS!” Theme plays. “Coming soon” streams across the screen.

That was fun.

by Sinister

22 years, 5 months ago

Screens black, the words “Apocalypse” flash up, The screen flashes to the acks of 4 people dressed in black flight suits, the screen goes black and the word “Lucipher” appears the screen cuts to the side of a man in black and a techological pack is pulled on. The screen goes black again, and the word “Spilladge” appears. The screen focuses on a shaded face of one of the men as he pulls down a pair of Ecto-Visers. The screen goes black and the word “Faith” appears the screen cuts to the back of the four men and pans round to the front, the 4 men pull out a proton wand and fire at the screen. The Ghostbuster theme tune starts up and a No-Ghost logo fills the screen.

by EctoBusterWes

22 years, 5 months ago

my teaser trailer would be like its black then you see a close up shot of the gearbox on the proton pack and slowly gos over to the booster and showing all the stuff on the pack while its doing that a narrotor says “one machine with its power beond ower belief will save the world again from/ and then it shows the proton pack and its lights come on/” from hell." then it shows some clips fom the movie and it ends,and everyone in the theature clapps and screams ya finally a third

by Ash

22 years, 5 months ago

Gee, yours sounds a lot like mine, Sinister…

by EctoBusterWes

22 years, 5 months ago

not really except for the zooming out part.

(nice shooting tex)

by Benjp

22 years, 5 months ago

Black.Proton Beam Shoots Out.Building Blows Up(from the first one).A Voice Says “In the summer of 2004 the ghost will awaken.Hell will be Unleashed.” Shows a few ghosts.“The Devil will comeout to play!” Shows the Giant Devil Horns Bust through the ground! “And the big question is…….Who ya gonna call?” A painting Blows Up(from the second).“Somebody get me de' Ghostbusters(mayor from second).

Walter Peck comes back as a ghost. Black.No Ghost Logo pops up.Then the ghost jumps out of the logo.Proton Beam captures it and destroys it.Finally a Devil Head pops out and the no-ghost logo pops on the devils head and the ghostbusters go all around the no-devil logo.”Coming to sve the day…Summer 2004!"

by mrpecker1

22 years, 5 months ago

I would want to make it like the 15th anniversary trailer thats on the “Big Daddy” dvd. I like that trailer(excluding the part about GB2 and the dvds). You guy have seen it right?….its starts out with like:
“Before there was casper, before the men in black, there were only, THE GHOSTBUSTERS!” and it shows a bunch of awesome clips. I think it needs something like that…..saying that the GB's have been around for a long time.

by LordVego

22 years, 5 months ago

Ash, urs is ptretty cool, I like te creativity in it! smile