let say you were in charge of making the teaser trailer for GB3?

by Teeth

22 years, 4 months ago

All Black. Slowly we start to see the Gozar Building then two Terror Dog statues and then they start to break open. Then we see four Proton Blasts zoom forward. The no ghost symbol appaers and instead of a ghost theres a terror Dog. Ghostbusters 3: Revenge of the Terror Dogs.

Teeth, Father of the Terror Dogs.


22 years, 4 months ago

If i were in control of making the teaser trailier then it would be summit like this…

a pieace of video footage showing the earth broken down and living in kaos and being controled by ghosts!

it shows some text saying
“The Future is coming…”

then the video moves onto showing a man dressed in a cloak but you can't see him some more text appears…
“The Future can be changed but…”

we then see the man turn aroudn and the camera slowly working its way to the face…
“He It will do anything to bring about eternal…”

it then shows the face and shows the face, finally the face reveals Samhain!!!
“He will bring *Eternal Halloween*”

it then shows him controlling everything and four figures standing in the background, Finally the music hits and then a voice over sez…

“this spring only four men will be able to save the fate of the world…and only four men are capable of stopping the greatest threat they have ever faced…this spring they will once again be back in the saddle to stop eternal damnation, this spring get ready for…”

“then the four orignal ghostbusters do a voice over and shout GHOSTBUSTERS!”

it then shows the ghost step inside the ring and hold up three fingures and the final screen shot sez…

Ghostbusters 3 : Eternal Halloween

by NxtGhostbuster

22 years, 4 months ago

how about this one:
Starts out in front of an old abandoned building behind a cemetery with the classic lightining, striking the ground spliting it in two, and dead bodies come up and make their way toward the nearby houses,a phone rings, and a hand picks it up, but you can't see the face. the screen fades right before you can see the face. the no-ghost logo on screen with 3 fingers up and summer 2004.

by DocEggman

22 years, 3 months ago

Err… I'd say I'd have a ghostbuster suiting up while AC/DC's “Highway to Hell” plays in the background, powering up the proton pack, then some transition to him/her dressed up followed by a transition to a new logo and end it with the obligatory season of release text.

by PF4Eva

22 years, 3 months ago

Black screen, slowly fades into the Firehouse. “The Osbournes” is on the TV, fade out. Fade in, the siren goes off, fade out. Fade in, the Ghostbusters suit up in black jumpsuits with the No-Ghost logo on them, fade out. Fade in, all the Ghostbusters are suited up as AC/DC's “Back in Black” plays in the background.

NARRATOR: As words pop up on screen “They battled a marshmallow man” Fade out. “………They battled the spirit of an evil tyrant” Fade out. “……They came……..” Fade out. “…..They saw…….” Fade out. “…..They kicked……..” Fade out. “…..Its…….” Fade out. “…..Ass.”

The Ghostbusters theme by Ray Parker Jr. plays in the background.

NARRATOR: Sorry AC/DC, but this time, the boys in grey are back…….in…….black.

Fade to black. The Three-fingered No-Ghost logo flashes on screen. Fade out.

by venky

22 years, 3 months ago

black screen. beginning of ghostbusters theme plays. before the first words in the song, one of the most well known phrases appears in three different sets. “When there's something strange” appears first in white, fades to red then fades out. then “in the neighborhood” appears next, and fades out the same way. finally “who ya gunna call?” comes up, but instead of fading out it begins to go farther back. as if to answer the question,just when the song says “GHOSTBUSTERS!” for the first time, the new no ghost logo comes on the screen with a really cool affect, but it is quickly engulfed in flames. there are four figures faintly seen beyond the fire, and they're running closer. they pass through the fire, and keep coming closer. they finally reach the front of the screen and their faces light up, but as soon as they light up, their faces look horrified. the camera pans around to their backs and sees samhain as a huge eivl beast. screen goes black. in white “coming winter 2004”. while its up we hear peter saying, “im not predicting too much snow for this winter” or something funnier than that

by Jay_Tigran

22 years, 3 months ago

Red Screen, the camera goes over it while slowly zooming out, showing that it is a red circle, dramatic “Tim Burton” music in the background the whole time. A white dot starts running in from the black background, it runs up to the screen looking like the no-ghost ghost. You hear the proton gun charge up and Ghostbusters theme starts playin', a proton stream flies out, pulling the ghost back into the red circle, and the slash of the no-ghost logo flips across the ghost, taking the form of the original no-ghost logo, fade to black, fad to “Coming whenever”, fade out

by Nethervoid

22 years, 3 months ago

This is my first tim eposting out side of the prop section, so i hope this turns out well.

A black screen to start with, slowly fading in so you can just barely make out the form of a PKE meter. Suddely, it springs to life, lights flashing and arms raised. In the backround, you hear the high pitched whine of the pack turning on while the camera angle changes to a close up of a figure and his back. You see the pack's lights function and he pulls the neutrona wand off the pack. The camera zooms out and you see four figures and their packs, there is a sudden camera rotation to the front of the figures, and still covered by a shadow, you hear the sound of them fire. Four streams head towards the screen, hit and charging through the blast comes the GB3 symbol.

Naration: “It's been 13 years since they hung up their uniforms….The world they knew has changed….It is no longer controlled by the living….and only they have to key to changing it back….”

The music in the background will be the intro to Ray J. Parker's version of Ghostbusters (the creepy intro) when the figures start to fire, the song changes to attaboy Skip's version of the GB theme.

by PenguinKing

22 years, 3 months ago

Black screen. eery instrumental music plays in backround.

Fade into a scene of a dark hellish NY alleyway at night with cloaked figures walking by chanting in low demonic voices. You here water dripping as footsteps splash in the puddles. Voice over: “There is a world…” Fade out to black.

fade in new scene slowly closing into the statue of liberty bleeding out tears with burning red sky in backround. Voice over: “where evil reigns…”

Fade out, fade in scene of eery green glow beginning to come out from under closet doorway. Voice over: “where darkness consumes all…” Fade out.

Fade in scene of white moon with bleeding effect turning it blood red. Voice over: “and the night lasts forever.”

Fade to black, Voice over: “This Halloween two worlds will cross and only four new heros, lead by a team of legends can save our world from….” cut to quick flashes of scenes of ghosts flying the night sky and being busted. Then stops suddenly.

camera zooms up empire state building and fast pace. Changes angle at top only to see a dark purple cloaked figure turn around to reveal a evil pumpkin head. With a low scratchy voice it says slowly, “Eternal Night” screen cuts to black. Then a blazing pumpkin screams at the screen with the original no ghost logo carved into it.

It breaks on the screen and leaving only the logo and shards of pumpkin on the screen that bleed away. To reveal the words

Ghostbusters 3: Eternal Night

Janine’s voice screams: “WE GOT ONE!”

the words Halloween 2004 fade in and out with a the scratch voice saying, “you will join my midnight army…..or pay the price……” End preview.

by PenguinKing

22 years, 3 months ago

thanx, i tried to make it as good as possible. i have to admit though i wanted to uset the name eternal halloween but didn't want to sound like GAMEOVERADAM's post. his cloak idea though did create a spark in my head for my trailer so i'd like to give credit there. i think that enternal night does have a bit better ring to it though, so i'm glad i chose to go with it. hehe. smile