let say you were in charge of making the teaser trailer for GB3?

by DocEggman

22 years, 3 months ago

Em… I think teasers are supposed to last like a minute, thus the name “teaser”. They don't really show any scenes from the movie or have a large amount of narration the recent teasers for “The Hulk”, “X-men 2” as well as “Terminator 3” are examples of this.

by PF4Eva

22 years, 3 months ago

Black screen. Scary, orchestral music plays in the background. Fifteen seconds later, an ecto-blue liquid slowly ozzes onto the screen. 59 seconds later, the liquid slowly morphs into The Letters GB. Five seconds later, a voice, that is supposedly that of Dan Aykroyd, says “There he is, get him!!” The disembodied characters charge up their proton packs and blast a hole in the shape of the number 3 in the middle of the conjoined GB letters. Fade out. The Three-fingered No-Ghost logo flashes on the screen.

by theo136

22 years, 3 months ago

ok it starts out with a deep voice saying "A city in Caos, (and you see a aireial shot of NY.) When weird things happen their is only one place you can call. (Ray is sitting down as camera zooms up on him)
Ray: What you where expecting the Men In Black (and the song rolls then it says summer 2004)

by GB_wanna_be

22 years, 3 months ago

The screen starts with a woman in her home, she runs the the end of the hall and opens the door.
Deep voice: “They believe you.”
The woman runs to the window and tries to open it, but it is locked. There is a noise.
Deep voice: “You should have called.”
She turns around and sees some big ugly ghost.
Deep voice: “Because they do believe you.”
Woman screems, and the ghost advances. But before it reaches her, a proton stream envelopes the ghost. Screen goes black.
Deep voice: “You're glad you did call.”
Summer 2004 comes up and the zeroes in 2004 are the no ghost signs.
Trailer ends…..

by JackKong

22 years, 3 months ago

I'd do this:
A blood red background. And the music from Spirit (from the GB2 soundtrack). Then there would be a woman's voice, screeming with terror. The background would start to wave, like if you throw a stone in the water and it would transform into the No-Ghost Logo holding up three fingers. The message would say: Chasing away your fears soon!


22 years, 3 months ago

-Black Screen-
Fade to New York SKyline-Day
Snap to smae Skyline except red and Hellish

Narrator: Hell…..it's just around the corner…

-Cut to floor-
We see a pair of boots apper makeing a errie echo. We hear clanking, stuff shuffleing.

Narrartor: Here to save the day…one last time…

-Snap to Proton beam washing out the screen-
Key “Ghostbusters” being yelled by group and Ray Parker Jr. Song

Narrator: Ghostbusters 3, coming this summer…

by RunDMC

22 years, 3 months ago

I'd have a totally black screen and the sounds of footsteps moving slowly (like a limp) and the red logo sign (minus ghost) in the middle.

Eventually the cartoon logo ghost, looking old, walks on from the left with a walking stick. He slowly climbs into the logo, sighs, and holds up three fingers with a frown on his face.

It then says “Reluctantly saving the world one last time” paroding the long delay and production hold ups.

by deadderek

22 years, 3 months ago

I like Ash's idea.

by DrSlimer

22 years, 2 months ago

NBA game: Knicks vs. Bulls. Last few seconds of the game and the Bulls lead by one point. The ball is flying towards the basket. If it doesn't miss the knicks win! The clock is ticking! The ball is hits the board and….

a ghost apears and flys off with it. A voice home bench yells: SOMBODY CALL ME THE GHOSTBUSTERS! Then the theme music kicks in and the new no-ghost logo shows up! The anouncer says: Because we need them… they're back once again.

by GBix

22 years, 2 months ago

i won't even try. all of these ideas blow me away, in a good way, that is.