let say you were in charge of making the teaser trailer for GB3?

by xmenfan

22 years, 1 month ago

i like rundmc's. very good smile

*desperatly racking brain for own good idea*

by born2bustheads

22 years, 1 month ago

all these are phoenominal! here's mine

black. fade to three second arial night skyline of new york.“in the city that never sleeps”fade to black.fade to central park a couple is talking on a bench and a sinister tree starts reaching for them. fade black fade to a rear shot of a small boy cowering in the featal position in his bed starriing at his closet that has a green light eminating from under the door “neither does evil”.fade to black.fade to a large door opening off screen to the left with a creek. a small ammount of blue light reveals an old dusty tiled floor we see one set of boots walk through with echoing footsteps“now…mankinds only hope for the future…”.fade to inside the statue of liberty with a maitinence man turning to look in the cameras direction in response to a deep erie groan reverberating thruoug the statue.fade back to the dark room with the blue light. foot steps continue to echoe as we see an indeterminable head passing four blue lit lockers we see two defiate name plates read stantz and zeddemore“lies in the past”. fade to black.fade to mid sized dog slowly walking towards a ball that rolls out of the shadows we see four earie red eyes open right behind the ball.fade to two indeterminate figures buckling up backpack looking things with one nametag that says spengler “this fall”. fade to hand opening a white caddie door fade to multiple ghosts coming up behind an unsuspecting security guard that looks around with his flashlight nervously “they are ready…”. lights on top of the ecto turn on and start to circle “to believe you…” fade to multiple ghosts bearing down on a crying mother cuddling her two small kids in terror.we hear the packs heat up “one more time”. the ghosts whip around and have terrified looks on thier faces. cut to four indeterminate figures holding something. four particle beams come out at one time and the light from the beams finally illuminates the faces of the boys in grey. the beams come up and downd and lick the screen.black

the no ghost sign with no ghost in it appears

by Ecto-1alf

22 years, 1 month ago

Might as well give my two cents in this matter…

Black screen.
Narrator: Something almost beyond comprehension is happening to a city. Four men have been sent as a last resort to try and stop this ultimate evil. These men are…

“No Ghost” symbol slowly fades onto screen. Symbol fades out and the words “Coming this Halloween” slowly fade in.

Andy :s :l( :d :0

by PF4Eva

22 years, 1 month ago

Black screen. “Chariots of Fire” plays in the background. Fade into a scene from “Spider-Man.”

NARRATOR: Before……there was Spider-Man………

Fade out. Cut to a scene from a “Men in Black” movie.

NARRATOR: Before…..Men in Black……..1 and 2……

Fade out. Cut to a scene from “Scary Movie” (a clean scene).

NARRATOR: Before Scary Movie……..

Fade out. Cut to a scene from “Casper.”

NARRATOR: Before….Casper……

Fade out. Cut to a scene from “Batman.”

NARRATOR: Before… there was Batman……there was…….

Cut to a scene from “Ghostbusters.” Record scratch-music stops! RPJ's GB theme plays in the background.

EGON: Did you miss us?

RAY: We're ready to believe you….one more time…..Summer 2004.

Fade out. The three fingered No-Ghost logo fades onto the screen with a small “20” superscript on the right of the logo. Fade out.

by Sinister

22 years, 1 month ago

Theatrical Trailer: Ghostbusters 3: Heat Rash (My script)

Black Sceen…

The words “This Summer” Flash on and fade out…

Ray Stantz says “We may be on the verge of an interdimensional crossrip…”

The Screen cuts to a darkened room, six men zip up six brilliant white flight suits…

Black Screen…

The Words “Mankined must unite…” flash up and fade out.

Egon Spenger says “This may be our last night on earth…”

The Screen cuts to a darkened room, The six men pull a proton pack on.

Black Screen…

The words “As evil itself threatans our existence…” flash up and fade out.

Winston Zeddemore says “We have to act now…”

The Screen cuts to a darkened room, a close up of one man's shaded face The six men pull down a pair of Ecto Goggles…

Black Screen…

The words “Can six heroes save the day?” flash up and fade out.

Peter Venkman says “I'm too old for this!”

The screen cuts to a line of the six men, they take up their particle throwers and fire at the screen…

There is a flash of red, the screen fades black.

“Ghostbusters 3: Heat Rash, Coming soon…”

by gbray

22 years, 1 month ago

Black screen(are you ready. hart beating you beter be) then a ghost flys at the aldonce
but befor it can get thear a trap opins up pops the logo


22 years, 1 month ago


“In the city that never sleeps…”

fade to leaves blowing around

“At the dawn of the season”

focus to a section fo ground, a vine brakes up the ground, orange glow

“Evil has found it's way to the top”

show a pumpkin, glowing, a loud screech and it opens it's mouth a green cloud comming from it

whisper “Samhain”


“And there's only one team who can stop them…”

flash to the ghostbusters, gearing up

RAY- Lets do this one and go home!

Fade in ghostbusters theme and logo a release date.

by Venkman

22 years, 1 month ago

i had an idea for a teaser awhile ago, hmm lets see if i can remember it.

Black screen with 2003 on it and a “knocking sound” effect plays

fade in to a door that sigourney weaver opens

cut to all 4 ghostbusters at the door

All: Were Back!

Cut to Dana who slams door

Cut to GBs'

Peter: Mexican?
Egon: Nah, too spicy
Winston: Chinese?
Ray Shrugs: Chinese?
All: Chinese!

Fade out to swirl that turns to gb3 logo with theme playing in background

by EctoSlick99

22 years ago

These are all good ideas. But I think a trailer/teaser whatever should be like the intro to RGB. But instead of trapping a mass of ghosts and Stay-Puft it shows the guys pulling their Proton Guns and powering up then it cuts to the GB3 logo.

Another good idea might be this..

-Black Screen with voices.
“Dont cross the streams..”
“Didnt we go over this before?”
“Did we?”
“I dont know did we?”
-Random slimer looking Ghost flies at the screen.

by mikeVenkman

22 years ago

My cousin and I had this idea a long time ago it would go like this:

black screen
Narrator: In a time where evil runs free….

Fades to a city in choas with ghosts flying everywhere cars crashing into each other, and buildings collapsing.

narrator: There will arise four heroes from the ashes, to greet and meet thier foes..

screen fades to black
You only here voices and sounds:
peter: dooooooooo. (pack turns on)
ray:rayyyyyyyyyyyyyy. (pack turns on)
Egon:Egonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.(pack turns on)
All: start laughing

Text on screen:
coming this fall
GB3 Logo