let say you were in charge of making the teaser trailer for GB3?

by dontforgetbttf1

21 years, 8 months ago

That's pretty cool, dude. i was gonna have something similar, except the ghost from the GB logo is curious what a red circle leads to. He is then buckled in with a red slash like yours.
Awesome idea.

by rebelphoenix18

21 years, 8 months ago

Teaser 1

Screen Black

“In a world where matrixes are reloaded. Where machines rise. Where Hulks smash. Isn't it good to get back to basics?”

Start the very begining of Ray Park Jr's Ghostbusters

Show the proton sticks being locked and loaded by black rubber-gloved hands…

“Now… Who you really gonna call?”

Flash GB3 Logo

Teaser 2

Screen Black

Start The Boys Are Back in Town

“Its been a long times since the boys have been back in town. But they're back and ready to belive you once again.”

Slimer flies through the screen.

“Who you gonna call?”

Flash GB3 Logo

by Kingpin

21 years, 8 months ago

Blacksuits by Will Smith Begins to play.

Open on a black screen.

They are the last line of defense…

A figure in black, and in near darkness is seen walking up to a door.

Against the legions that are out to destroy us…

The person in black picks up a large weapon.

Their weaponry is unlike anything ever seen before…

The person raises his leg to kick the door.

And their organisation is the only one in the world that can stop it…

The person in black kicks in the door as Blacksuits screeches to a hault admist the sound of a record being scratched.

They're not the MIB, they're the…

The person raises the gun and fires, releasing a stream of protonic energy.


GHOSTBUSTERS III -Eternal Darkness

Sorry, couldn't resist, that title's too damn good!

by Tobin2027

21 years, 8 months ago

Id just have a short teaser at first

Have some Danny Elfman music going on in the background then have “This Summer….The Slime Will Rise!” then fade into the GB3 logo. That's all it would take for me to wet my pants.

by yankeepotter

21 years, 8 months ago

mine would be this…

they are showing an episode of crossing over with john edward

john is going through his usual routine

then all of a sudden a big flash of light and a scream appear right beside john edward.

everyone in the gallery let's out a short scream of fright.

then silence, everyone is puzzled

then the camera pans over to dan akroyd with a proton pack and a shameful look on his face and says….“sorry……natural reflex”

cuts to a shot of a black screen with the GBIII logo zooming into place with ghostbusters playing in the background

then you see egon giving john edward a piece of paper and john looks at it….gets a look of mild shock in his eyes and says….“is this in dollars?” then egon says “we have a payment plan if you wish”

then cuts to black screen again with a 2004 right in the middle….then music fades and picture fades to black

what do you guys think?

by protoK

21 years, 8 months ago

well i thought up two more

1st one: The setting appears to be a jungle. it is dark.Jurassic park type music
Narrator: You thought you heard the last of them
scene changes to a glass of water sitting on a balck table
Boom!! rings in the glass
Narrator: You thought the franchise was extinct:
More booms with the glass.
Narrator: You thought wrong.
A heavy set woman picks up the water. she looks to her right at the window to see slimer (or other scary ghost) She does a spit take and screams. CueGhostbusters theme intro into movie montage
Narrator: The boys in grey are back to save our lost world from the clutches or evil one last time.
Song finishes and the last scene is a picture of the no ghost three logo with the Coming soon attachment.
Teaser number two.
Narrator: July 4th. Usually a time for celebration.
Intro New York City Skyline.
Narrator: They thought they defeated the evil.
The sky starts to darken like in the movie ID4.
Scene of the MAyors office.
Assistant: MAyor We have a problem
he goes to the window and is shocked.
Narrator: They believed all was peaceful again.
Scenes of people in the streets shocked.
Narrator: But the time has come for them to remeber that we humans are not alone.
POV from the streets. the camera looks up to see a big firey cloud.
person on the street: Oh my god.
Narrator: This July They're Back.
Top veiw of the cloud as something starts coming out of the cloud. Instead of a space ship, it is the no ghost logo. \
short playing of the theme. Black screen except for the words coming this july.