Lets fight for it

by Gmoney

22 years ago

:1( Im so mad at Sony for not making Ghostbusters 3. We deserve it. The people deserve it and the franchise deserves it. So lets do something about it. Lets demand. Tonight I left 5 feedbacks to Sony telling them how much we deserve and want GB3. And that it would be a HUGE hit. I do not doubt that. I want to encourage EVERYONE that reads this to do the same thing. If we just fight and show them how much we want and deserve it. They will evenyually make it. We cant just sit on our butts and expect it to happen. We as a family of Ghostheads have to work for it. So lets do this! Who all is with me?!

by Dante

22 years ago

Yeah, I did the same thing a few days ago! I just think that we should be specific on what needs to be done. Otherwise they might end up making a GB3 that comes out looking like Men In Black 2. All style no substance. I personally believe that they REALLY need Bill Murray and they have to convince him to do at least one last one to add to the series. I don't think we can demand actual plot lines but we have to make it clear to them that 1) We want a GB3 and 2) That all the original cast (especially the four Ghostbusters) remain the stars of the movie.

by Texasgb

22 years ago

I agree with your first point that we all want GB3. However, GB3 will not be made (at least by sony) if the origional cast remains the stars. This is simply for one reason :MONEY. Aykroyd, Ramis, and Murray are not going to bring in the big money needed to make a big budget film like this trun a profit. I think they all realize that. Aykroyd intended for a much younger cast to take the lead in his script. Infact there was an interview(1999) where he said “Its not like we are going to saddle the audience with me, Harold, and Billy again.”

by MasterSpider

22 years ago

Try finding out Bill Murray's phone number and leaving the comments on his answering machine. Because guess what…
It's his fault!!

by Ghostbuster-x

22 years ago

Gmoney im with you all the way. Give me the email address and ill email them A.S.A.P i have all the facts they need to know about making a GB3, Gmoney right we sould all email them all together, and then they may think “theres alot of ghostheads out there, GB3 maybe a good idea, we could even convince Billy Boy”

by Dante

22 years ago

Texasgb: I'm not entirely certain I agree that issue is whether or not the original cast can bring in an audience (i.e MONEY). The Ghostbusters brand name is already well known and most people associate the Ghostbusters with these four characters/actors. Sony wouldn't need to have a heavy marketing campaign to draw an audience to see the film, they would only have to ensure that the script is fresh and witty and the original cast are kept entact. The age of the actors I think is irrevelant when this is considered. As I said above, most people already associate the names Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson, Sigourney Weaver and Rick Moranis with Ghostbusters so if the movie is successful it isn't because people said “Hey, it was a good movie but they had a bunch of old guys as ghostbusters and that ruined it for me”.

On the other hand, if you bring in an ALL NEW cast, most of the movie-going audience will only see this as just another cash-in. It would be more than likely viewed in the same regard as Speed 2 or even Men In Black 2, where a sequel was made simply for the sake of making a sequel - AND that's never a good idea.

by GhostTrek

21 years, 11 months ago

no how about the new guys

old guy (fist Ghostbusers) Retier or Die ?

:u :f if that die it will be a sad day for are kind

in gb3 ther are to old can't make any gb moives after gb3