Lets post your plot ideas on GB III:

by Zech15

23 years, 3 months ago

We can share ideas, and maybe combind thoughts, etc. Heres mine:

Ghostbusters III- Beyond Paranormal

This whole new series follow right after the Extreme Ghostbusters. Now this time it's a whole new story. This time it's an awesome newer yonger Ghostbusters ready to “busts some heads!” They still have the same proton packs that were used by the original Ghostbusters. Of course with some upgrades on the equipment. The ghouls and goblins decide to come back from the “Evil of Darkness” or otherwise stated “Dooms World.” Where Gozer, ghouls, and ghosts live! They somehow escaped from “Dooms World,” and decide to come back to New York to scare the population of the people, and then they capture them and turn them into ghouls and ghosts! Now it is up to the whole new grouped up Ghostbusters to take head on with Gozer and Gozers followers to same the world one last time! “Who you gonna call?!”


What do you think? What should I add? Thanks,


by Zech15

23 years, 3 months ago

oh, and mine is copyrightsmile But c'mon guys, lets share ideads to create the best gb 3 movie ever made!

by GBSlimerFan

23 years, 2 months ago

I think they should have it were people actually remebered what happened. Where in part 2 the mayors assistant was making fun of bill murray and the judge guy said he doesnt believe in ghost when only 5 years ago in that movie part 1 happened. I think with a new one should be maybe more then one bad guy. Maybe one of the ghostbusters gets hurt?
I think Slimer should talk like he did in the Real Ghostbusters. I think maybe they should make new vechiles. Like a tank with the laser shooting out or like slim grendes.

Just some ideas.

“I used to have a roommate, but then my mom moved to florida”

by Spike

23 years, 2 months ago

I can't see more vehicles working in a movie like they do in the cartoon. In my opinion, they should stick with just the Ecto-1, Ecto 1-A, and whatever the hell it is they drive in EGB.

by Turtle

23 years, 2 months ago

My idea:
The GBs are called out to an old haunted house. It looks like a simple bust and it is. But, whoops!, one of the ghosts goes by unseen and brings in some “friends” of his to keep haunting the house. The GBs keep getting called to the house and after a while, they think that something's up and Egon takes a PKE reading…and it's high. Then, unexpectedly, the house has so much spiritual energy building up under the foundation that BOOM! a huge amount of energy surges out of it and transforms and mutates NY. Whaddaya think?

P.S.: I've even started a script! Woooooooow! smile

by creed

23 years, 2 months ago

winston tells the story:The jersey devil(who turns out to be the devil on earth) comes out to visit he gets in a fight with the original gbs and louis tully + the egbs .in a fight the devil kills garret (who is helpless because his wheelchair is broken)and kills louis who hardly knows anything about gostbusting.the guys realize they should reatreat when ray steps up(being the heart of the gbs) and says they have to fight and by him self goes to fight the devil. the others try to follow but when the reach ray hes dead because of the devil(reeeeeeeeeeeely reeeeeeeeeely sad part)the devil know seeing how much havoc he can raise heads to good old n.y. angry with there freinds death the gbs must figure out a way to deafeat the devil and avenge there fallen brothers. in the end this being the last movie all of the gbs (except winston)die but save the world one last time
woo dunyikes

by creed

23 years, 2 months ago

mines copyrighted too

by RayPuft

23 years, 2 months ago

Here's is my plot:

* The GBers (Ghostbusters) hire a man, little do they know that he is a “gateway” for Gozer, and her fiends, Mr. Sandman, the Great Pumpkin Phantom, and a witch who gets great enjoyment from turning people into dead trees.
* A spell is put on the entire city of New York. On the NFL, the possessed NY Giants defeat a helpless NY Jets team (sorry, Dad). Even the GBers get the spell… except Ray, who gets a personal visit from an old friend, and this time, it's up close and personal.
* Peter, Winston, Egon, and Slimer fight and even stage a pie fight in front of cheering ghosts and possessed people. (Evil enough for you Aykroyd?) This causes the Firehouse to shut down.
* In the meantime, Ray got kidnapped by Mr. Stay Puft (in his gigantic form) and is taken to the Marshmallow World. Ray is told about a legend that at first he doesn't believe.
* Peter gets dispossed by accidently falling into the Atlantic Ocean, and soon, is able to disposses both Winston and Egon. They try to blast all four ghosts with their packs, but fail miserably.
* Stay Puft convinces Ray to help him by allowing Stay Puft to assume his full form on Earth. Stay Puft creams Ray, which then protects Ray from any ghosts attacks.
* The GBers spot Gozer and her fiends meet… let's just say… the devil, the true form of the fake GBer, and hear them plot to take over Earth for good. They tell Ray, who is still covered in marshmallow, what the plot is.
* In the final battle, after cornering the four ghosts in a corner, they try to trap them. But Stay Puft sacrafices himself by crushing the ghosts to death, and therefore risking death himself. Ray cries in horror as this happens.
* Ray tells Stay Puft how he feels about him “I loved you from my childhood, I thought you can never, ever possibly destroy us.” This cures Stay Puft and Ray must decide to either say goodbye to his childhood hero or leave Earth forever.

by TheGuard

23 years, 2 months ago

I've already posted mine.

by thePizzaMaster

23 years, 1 month ago

Mine is going to include the “Peoplebusters” but not quite like the cartoon versions.