Lets post your plot ideas on GB III:

by DaveMcFarlane

23 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, I had an idea - how about including the Extreme Ghostbusters AND the original GB team?

Combine them together, and then - I dunno, haven't though that far ahead yet! smile

by thePizzaMaster

23 years, 1 month ago

Mine includes four new Ghostbusters of my own creation, one being a female. I never liked the whole EGB's being involved in GB3, not that I have anything against that idea or anything.

by sparksmovies

23 years, 1 month ago

I respect the EGB universe, but nonetheless would never juxtapose them with the original GB team. It's kinda like blending the Highlander TV shows with the movies. Oh, wait…they did that, AND IT SUCKED! smile LOL. Honestly though, I wouldn't even presume to carry over the Real Ghostbuster's universe to film. The two world's wouldn't collide well, IMHO. In one respect, you're dealing with a mass-appeal version where the characters changed not only in personality, but in context, and in the other, your dealing with a more adult-oriented version of the same thing. Which is why “People Busters”, as much as I love the episode, would NEVER work in a live action film. The idea is to maintain the tonality of the original films…not veer off into a cartoon tangent. But, then again- to each his/her own. Ciao fellow ghostheads.


by thePizzaMaster

23 years, 1 month ago

I think a can write a good script involving the “Peoplebusters”, the trick is to stay away from the “silly-cartoonish stuff”, the Peoplebusters could be a serious and fearsom foe for the Ghostbusters to take on in the third film, it just all comes down to how the script is written (yikes, looks like I've got my work cut out for me).

by Mario

23 years, 1 month ago

They should have Gozer, Stay Puft, Samhaine, and the Terror dogs in the new movie.

by drugasbuster

23 years, 1 month ago

ok peolple, lets think for a moment…with all the paralel dimensions and all the possible ghosts, and all the countries in the world, and all of the states of USA, ALL the ghosts are going to appear in New York????????? I dont think so, so I would say that a gb3 should have a little franchise theme, the perfect combination for the original GB team, a new one, and wothout killing tha EGB story, here it goes:

a little gb franchise in another state or country is doing their part, catching some ghosts, doing a little runing, but not much, thy are a little unexperienced, and BOOM, they face a huge horrible nasty ghost that uses them to open a hole into another dimension, so a lot of ghosts get out and pandemonium again…the ghostbusters barely get out of there, but they cannot do a thing about this, so they decide to call the big guys, THE ORIGINAL TEAM…
and from there goes the story.

What do you think?

by dohrayegon

23 years, 1 month ago

I like it drugsbusta…….i like it alot! I never really got into the the EGB….not my thing.

“Somebody let me IN……!”

by borzou99

23 years, 1 month ago


1. in gb3, the boys in grey shouldn't get arrested.

2. they could go extreme; the guys leave, egon stays, and they get new guys

3. no ecto 1b (you know what i mean)

by WinstonZ.

23 years, 1 month ago

I think they should bust Death or some big guy, like the devil or Hades.

by drugasbuster

23 years, 1 month ago

i agre with the “no ecto 1-b”, stick with the classic 1, or 1-a