The Library level would also make room for a wider demonstration of physics objects and different kinds of enemies, but I still think it would be overload and wouldn't leave the masses wanting more. I also think you need to hook them in with the ballroom scene. Give them something to remember how great Ghostbusters is while they “LIVE” the experience.
(I just noticed I keep spelling Sedgwick wrong. What kind of fan am I?)
That is interesting. The library is actually the first scene in the movie and probably the scariest part in the GB movie, but the Sedgwick is actually the first time we see them in full gear.
I don't see it as being “which one is more memorable to fans and non-fans” because anyone who has seen the movie can say that those two locations are indeed the most memorable out of the whole movies. (Note: Since they both in the game and the movie while other scenes are not)
Grey Lady was the first ghost they ever hunted and their first contact with ghosts, while Slimer was their first successful capture.
As I said, logically the Sedgwick hotel is short, sweet, to the point and can be recognized which is perfect for a demo, but I wish to play the library level if I could in the demo. (Before the game comes out I mean)
To think about this though, in the library demo you have so much more to do and practice with. I mean you fight a gollum and one ghost. the Sedgwick, you fight one ghost and is a little short if you immediately go into trying to capture Slimer.
I don't know, I prefer the library demo cause it is more….versatile. I am looking at it from both a gamer and a fan point of view (If you weren't a fan, this game wouldn't really matter much.)