by Zack

22 years, 7 months ago

well I got the joke smile


by Dr.Spengler

22 years, 7 months ago


I didn't even read all of the posts before I gave mine. But I just did now.

So I feel compelled to make a different post, in reply to a different topic on this same thread.

Okay, while I was a little confused as to how the insult got started on Ectoman, I was a little surprised with Jesusfreak's reply.

Namely the part about him, GBVA, and Ectoman.

First of all, I will say that Jesusfreak's post left me wondering if I missed something, particularly the part about Jesusfreak being called ignorant. (When did that happen? Someone fill me in!)

The second part is in regards that Jesusfreak, you seem to be trying to prove that you, GBVA, and Ectoman are so much better than the rest of us. I'm offended. I really am.

Sure, there are idiots. But are you suggesting that you, Ectoman, and GBVA are somehow better than me and everyone else on this site?

Why is it you are on a crusade to destroy petitions and idiots? there will always be petitions, and there will always be idiots. We all have to accept it.

But now, are you suggesting that you are better than the rest of us?

If so, that hurts. Especially since you and me have been pretty nice to each other before, such as with the agreement on stolen site material.


22 years, 7 months ago

I'm simply trying to say that GBSLIMERFAN needs to lay off on calling people idoits. He has called all 3 of us ignorant before in other threads. He even threatened to leave because of our ignorance. I'm rather of him talking about how we shouldn't bash people, but then he goes and does it himself. I never said that I, Ectoman, or GBVA was better than anyone on this site. How you got that, I do not know. I am simply defending them from this slander.

As for the petitions, I'm rather sick of not being able to post about something that will never work. In other words, they are a waste of space.

by Ectoman

22 years, 7 months ago

He wasn't saying anyone was better than everyone. He was only saying we were better than people that go around calling people idiots.

I like you Dr. Spengler, I like what you have done with help resurrecting Respect the Net.

I don't like being called an idiot. If only their creator of the petition had enough maturity to see what he is doing isn't working.

by Dr.Spengler

22 years, 7 months ago

Oh, well, I think I understand, now. I think it was a matter of the fact that I haven't seen those threads and I didn't realize the name-calling going on.

Meaning that the name-calling has to stop, people. Now.

Not that what I'm saying will do anything. It never does. It never has.

Alas, I try anyway…

by Movies205

22 years, 7 months ago

I think everyone should calm down about Ectoman post I found it quite funny myself even laugh a bit. I mean he didn't really insult me all he did was make a comment which was justify after all the topics I've made. Everyone has hthere opinion I can't stop it. Come on you people didn't find this funny? LOL

Now to Jesusfreak, I think that your taking it way too personally. When 1 you didn't get called ignorant.

“The user has also spammed the board to get people to sign his petition. Therefore it is funny and people should laugh at it.”
I agree with you their.

“Is it fair that one of us is restrained and the other is not? I thought thats why there was a fuss over n00b treatment!”
So what your saying is your a Noob LOL Nice one noob, nice typing n00b.

“V. Why I, Ectoman, and GBVA are not ignorant.

Simply, we are not dumb as you seem to believe. Ectoman is prehaps one of the smartest people here. And I have a 101 average in High-School, I don't call taht ignorant. And GBVA is just strongly opinonated. As he has the right to be, seeing how this guy has the Freedom to Petition. I don't come here to be called ignorant. And I'm not putting up with it. I will email the mods and IM Chad about this matter of me being called ignorant.”

One THERE IS NO WE! The WE does not exist in this context! LOL You know what really funny about all this, is GBVA has not EVEN POSTED IN THIS TOPIC! As for Ectoman being the smartest I wouldn't know because do you know EVERYSINGLE PERSON WHO A MEMBER, do you even know Ectoman personally. Not to say Ectoman is not very smart but I'm just saying how are you so sure. I think he very wise(Smart and Wise are two different things) since it seems like he's been here so long, I might be wrong though. One if you mod his post about the entertaining then don't you have to delete ectoman post? Now you see you keep your mouth shut and you might seem smarter. As for how high you score in HS how do I know if that true. You know I go to a special program in my school for exceptionally smart kids and I'm in all honor classes. Plus you might be in the lowest level classes. SO shut your mouth. You've already made a fool out of yourself, and I want no fight with you. I'm just stating think b4 you post. I don't have that great grammer though so my post might be a little mest up cuz I type fast and miss words because I don't feel like checking my post.

P.S. It is getting annoying though EctoMan. WHY can't I TRY!

by Ectoman

22 years, 7 months ago

You can, just try in one topic.


22 years, 7 months ago

1. We were not called ignorant on thsi thread, but GBSLIMMER FAN is the one who called us ignorant and he seems to have something agnist us. I'll go fin the posts in a minute.

2.I see you agree with me about the posting. Good. smile

3.n00b is a term I use at LAN parties. Its nothing more than jargon and proably doesn't fit in with most people's vocabulary. Techincally, n00b should be spelled: Newbie.

4. I havent made a fool of myself. I didn't say Ectoman was the smartest. I said he was smart. I don't really know how I can prove to you about my GPA, unless you want me to scan in my anme from my “Who's Who among High School Students” book. Of course, I could say teh same for you. How do I know you are not lieing?Eh? I have no beef with you, except for your over posting….Oh, and I can't edit Ectoman's post…..I'm not a mod smile

Going to find the posts, will paste URLs here.

“Ecto18, sorry for the ignorance Ectoman has shown you. It seems like him Jesusfreak and GBVA have a small group going to be the most ignorant people on this board.”

There ya go…

by Movies205

22 years, 7 months ago

You go to LAn TOurnies too. I love LAN PARTIES! I actually help run one with my bro, I'm Vice President and he President. It called atLANtis, web-address but right now we're undergoing major changes so all it say is new atlantis coming. Where do you live, maybe you can come to one. But back on topic, I want no beef with you, Ectoman. Okay all I'm trying to do is a petition. Sorry if I offended you.


by GBSlimerFan

22 years, 7 months ago

Jesusfreak, seriously get over yourself, you tryed playing all innocent and put your tail between your legs. I called you guys ignorant because thats how you acted.