by Dr.Spengler

22 years, 6 months ago

There will NOT be another Mummy film. And if there is, you can count Brendan Fraser out. He has said he will not do another.

by PF4Eva

22 years, 6 months ago

“Soap Oprah” smile

I like it. But it's actually supposed to be “soap opera.” smile Just thought I'd let you know.

I've heard that T3 is coming out.

by Movies205

22 years, 6 months ago

now that some what straighten out can we get back on topic.

by Movies205

22 years, 6 months ago

—–this post was deleted——


22 years, 6 months ago

YES! An AL()ENS vs. Predator movie! My god i hope that thing comes out. To see the USCMC do some butt kicking on some fricken bugs, take down the preds all in time for cornbread! The M40A1 Pulse Rifle, a Colonial Marines best friend. NOTE: If anyone didnt notice im also a very big Alien Trilogy Fan( i say tril because Alien Res SUCKED!)

by obi45

22 years, 6 months ago

I think that a GB3 is hard to tell. i mean we shouldn't loose hope on this.
But quit frankly i'm getting a little Impatient. i mean you all have Scripts as do i. but don't you guys think your building sumtin that might not even be. i think that you all might be fueling something that is not. TMNT 4 is a cool concept because those stories change i mean they have gone from Shredder to Super shedder then to going to ancient china. i mean Ghostbusters II had some reference to the original. winston and ray in the opening scene after the Kid party. The dana Peter Flirting period. there is some change to it like the logo and that annoying little Janosz. slimer gets a change too. witch is cool.
i think that if GB III would come out it would be the most anticipated sequel in Movie History there is no point to a ID4 2. Another one people tend to forget is Letal Weapon 5 i would love to see another Letal Weapon. But forget about Blair witch 3 that would be stupid i liked the sequel better then the first it had a story line with it about paranormal stuff. but for now lets jus forget about ID4 2 and Shrek 2 and Scary Movie 3

by Movies205

22 years, 6 months ago


And Also Men in Black 3!

by Venkman

22 years, 6 months ago

did anyone mention the Batman vs. Superman movie/?

by stantz316

22 years, 6 months ago

Freddy Vs. Jason Is being made, in fact it starts shooting this september. Also, as more of a personal opinion, How the hell are the making ID4 2? What the aliens come back 10 years later after we rebuilt crap and blow it up agian? Get real.

by Subway_Ghost

22 years, 6 months ago

I hate to rush them, because I want the movie to be GOOD. But…….if they want GB3 to do good, the time to release it is now. I am 15 and I only caught a little bit of the GB action, but I loved every bit of it. Think about how many other people feel the same. GB was popular with children back in the day. Those children are now becoming teenagers, and you know that if you launch this movie out before they hit 20 years old that they will remember it and be interested. Good cast+dedicated fans+teens remembering childhood=a box office smash! smile