Movies205: I would LOVE to see a new mortal kombat movie…but did you check the date on the article? Feb 2000
by SadEmoKid
22 years ago
Venkman- Batman Vs Superman was going to be an animated film, but it was scratched.
by GBFreak
22 years ago
Lord Vego check around. I heard MK was coming out in November 2003.
by Randy
22 years ago
Well, Alot of those movies on that list probably wont even be made. And alot will be added to that list over the year. So you cant count GB 3 out just yet. Im giving GB 3 a couple more years. Trust me, Hollywood will lighten up. They always do.
by roberto182
22 years ago
who is the next bond movie? it's die anther day or other