Live Action Extreme Ghostbusters Cast. Who will you pick?

by VanWhack

19 years ago

Roland: Will Smith
Kylie: Michelle Rodriguez
Eduardo: John Leguizamo
Garrett: Elijah Wood (best I can come up with)
Egon: (who dya think?) Harold Ramis of course
and to tie it in with the previous movies,
Oscar Barrett: ME!!! (*egon) (*ray) (*peter) (*janine) :-) (^_^)

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years ago

I agree with you except for Will Smith, Roland would be way younger than he is, plus, he really doesnt seem like Roland at all. A character actor would be better in that role. Other than that though, I agree with you, especially John Leguizamo.

by VanWhack

19 years ago

I have an Idea for a new villain also.
His name is Loki (might sound familiar to you)
He wears a buisness suit but is green with small horns and resides in an office above Man-Hell-ton. He should resemble a certain GWB in height and stature…. but with horns of course.

by VanWhack

19 years ago

Well, I guess if Will had signed, thats the role most people would have saw him for. Anyway, I'm not really sticking that close to the actual EGB characters, just there basic description.
Will smith could pass as an undergraduate in his late twenties going through college a little late (the college Idea is based on episode one of EGB, but the characters in mind are just loosely based on descriptions of the EGB characters, Edwardo: Latin American Male college student, you know.)

by secrecyguy

19 years ago

Considering that Extreme Ghostbusters last only one season, I really don't think they will bring it back out again since it was a flop.

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years ago

Uh, Man-Hell-Ton? thats the concept from Dan and Harold's GB3 script, lol

by drraystanz

19 years ago

I kind of always thought it should be:

Mathew Lillard- Eduardo
Nev Campbell- Kylie
Cuba Gooding Jr.- Roland
Not Sure- Garrett
Harold Ramis- Egon
Annie Potts- Janine

The only one tha has me stumped is Garrett

by montypythonflyingcircus69

18 years, 8 months ago

How come no one mentioned Slimer?
Slimer-Voiced By Billy West

by fomeboy

18 years, 8 months ago

John Leguizamo as Eduardo would be perfect… Michelle Rodriguez as Kylie maybe not because it should be a girl that has more of a light skin… Elijah Wood as Garrett neither unless he gains some weight… but Will Smith as Roland? phew… Roland is not a clown character lol :p

by sinister1

18 years, 8 months ago

Why the hell does everyone yell

WILL SMITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whenever there's a black character to be played. No body takes the time to think… well hang on, could Smith ACTUALLY play that character?

The answer is NO he could not.

Regardless of what film he is in, Smith is always himself. Will Smith the fighter pilot, Will smith the MIB agent. He has the same reactions to everything and the same loud mouth attitude and he always has a scream at some point.

Roland is introverted, quiet, intelligent, mild mannered and polite. This is not a Will Smith character.