In the 80's, we had the “We are the world” thing.
Now we had “live heart”.
I don't bite at it.
I mean, after all those years of dissatisfaction, what's better than a politician to throw that kind of thing to win time and mute the people about their bad work. Well, make them think they are concerned and that they are working to change things for real.
Since my childhood I hear: “respect the environment”.
Hell, we always had the technology for a “clean world”.
Naaa, it's now they move; people are mad, mother nature is mad… they can finally win “vote” without being hit by the industry's words.
What makes me laugh the most is their new “no smoking in public area” law. “It pollutes”, they say “it's bad for your health”. I'm laughing. Smoke is hazardous for your health? Hha! Take the vehicles off the streets and close the industry, now they will show that they are concerned…