There should be something that prevents the posts from even making it to the board if that topic has already been brought up. And if the topic was brought up how are we supposed to know, if it was posted like a year ago? I think if the original post was brought more than four or five months ago, then people should be able to bring it up again. Becuase if it stays like this, then slowly but certainly we won't be able to post anything.
22 years ago
Try useing teh searcj feature, or going to Google and searching for: and whatever your post is. :d
by Ghostbuster_D
22 years ago
Also, when we lock threads, we usually give a link to the thread where it has been discussed before. And it won't get to the point where you can't post anything because as long as there's a thread where a topic has been discussed, there's a thread where it can be discussed some more. And if there is no thread, than you can feel free to post about it.
by ghostbuster418
22 years ago
that's cool, so what's it like to be a moderator, how did you guys get to be one?
by Zack
22 years ago
It's no fun being a moderator at all. I'm going to say it now, most of the complaining people have done about the mods in the past half a year is probably about me. That whole MODS=FBI crap. The same few people it seems were always questioning every decision the moderators made. Many times its me who ends up confronting people about whatever rule it is they've broken whether it be serious or something minor like a double post and they give something stupid like “lighten up” or “you're abusing your power” I get to many of the problems before the other guys do so it comes across as me always being the bad guy. It really bothers me because I've gotten it a lot since in my time as a mod even going so far as recently someone reporting me to the mods because they were mad that I were locking their posts and giving them links. It's a real annoyance to try and help do my part when people think you're corrupt for enforcing the rules.
Many times, I've even consulted Chad on what to do before taking action but he's not always there and he trusts that we use good judgement, Otherwise we wouldn't be moderators still.I don't make the rules but I'm going to enforce them since I took the job. I know for a fact many people like me less since they've found out I was a moderator(because I've had to edit/delete something of theirs). It's an awkward position now its hard to seem like a regular member anymore when you have to be firm with people at times. Many of the other moderators probably come across as laid back because they don't do as much and its always ME who has to tell people not to do things. So no, its not fun at all. :u
by LordVego
22 years ago
dont worry zack i still like ya :d
by river_of_slime
22 years ago
Zack ur doing a great job and so is the other mods :s :d
by ghostbuster418
22 years ago
yeah your cool, your just doing your job.
by Slimee
22 years ago
i am the only person who registered july 14 pry doesn't have a post count over 300. heh. i actually like the locked threads. becuase before everything was deleted and you get the point. this gives people the chance to look at the thread and still read stuff, they just can't reply.
I'll try to hang around here more often but I'm so close to getting my custom title somewhere else. so yeah I'll try to hang around here more often.
by Ghostbuster_D
22 years ago
Zack is an example of a good mod. And he's right, alot of us do less than him. I don't know about the others, but my reason is that either Zack (or someone) takes care of it before I get there, or someone (usually zack) gets to it while I'm in the middle of doing something.