Look Bo...

by newrecruit1

16 years, 8 months ago

Bo Holbrook
I was wondering precisely what was wrong with you, but then I looked at your location and all was explained.

You're Canadian. It's no wonder you're not funny. All the Canadian Ghostheads i've known are complete f*cking morons except for 1 of them. You're not that 1 either, cause I know you'll try to make some stupid joke.

Here's a piece of advice, Junior. Shut the f*ck up. You're not funny. Nobody else here has the heart to tell you. Just stop. You're making yourself look stupid.

If you wanted to talk to me. Don't PM me. Not if it's for negatives subjects. I know that you don't find interest in much things, (you said it yourself), but is it a reason to lower yourself in such childish manners?

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

Bo Holbrook
I was wondering precisely what was wrong with you, but then I looked at your location and all was explained.

You're Canadian. It's no wonder you're not funny. All the Canadian Ghostheads i've known are complete f*cking morons except for 1 of them. You're not that 1 either, cause I know you'll try to make some stupid joke.

Here's a piece of advice, Junior. Shut the f*ck up. You're not funny. Nobody else here has the heart to tell you. Just stop. You're making yourself look stupid.

If you wanted to talk to me. Don't PM me. Not if it's for negatives subjects. I know that you don't find interest in much things, (you said it yourself), but is it a reason to lower yourself in such childish manners?

I want everyone to take note, I tried to PM him, but he won't have it.

Now with that being said, I'll tell you why.

Because being forced to sift thru your endless tirade of TERRIBLE friggin' jokes and emoticons just to get to worthwhile conversation is driving me insane. You are pissing me off, Now ordinarily I can deal with most things pretty easily. But you have got to be the most stupid, unfunny person i've ever come across on these message board. I'm telling you this for your own good. Because for whatever reason, you think you're goddamned hilarious. You need the cold hard slap of reality, and that's me, and reality says you're not a funny guy and you need to shut up. Your jokes aren't funny. You're not funny. Post like a regular human being and cut the lame ass jokes and me and you will be cool. Nobody else on the board has the heart to tell you how funny you're NOT. That'd be where I come in.

You're not funny. Just remember this. You aren't a funny guy. I don't know who told you otherwise, but they're liars. Just shut up.

If you have an idea for something to post, and you think it'll be funny. STOP. Because you're not funny.

by AdamBestler

16 years, 8 months ago

No, no, no. You're doing it all wrong, friend. Next time, try this:

Mmm-hmm. Hm. Yeah? Mm-hmm. WELL, FUCK YOU, MR. BO!!! YOU SPEAK LIES!!! LIIIIES!!! Stuffed with pure venom, you vile, parasitic bastard!! How many more like you are there!!? How many more?!!! TOO MANY!!!!!!!!! You can't even imagine the things I've endured!! And always at the hands of shit like you!!! YOU DON'T KNOW THE TRUTH!!!

You need practice.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

Adam Bestler
No, no, no. You're doing it all wrong, friend. Next time, try this:

Mmm-hmm. Hm. Yeah? Mm-hmm. WELL, f*ck YOU, MR. BO!!! YOU SPEAK LIES!!! LIIIIES!!! Stuffed with pure venom, you vile, parasitic bastard!! How many more like you are there!!? How many more?!!! TOO MANY!!!!!!!!! You can't even imagine the things I've endured!! And always at the hands of shit like you!!! YOU DON'T KNOW THE TRUTH!!!

You need practice.

Stop breathing, and make sure a gun does the job.

by AdamBestler

16 years, 8 months ago

(some pseudo-intellectual tl;dr message that is somehow associated with the emotive hardcore scene)

by zack1

16 years, 8 months ago

I'm not entirely sure what happened or when but it's over now…c'mon guys. Really. Really?

You're more than welcome to continue whatever unresolved issues you have with each other through PMs or IMs. That's enough here and cluttering up other real topics with arguments. Look what ya gone and done. You made me have to moderate. :-@

Anything we deem excessively stupid/insulting/unnecessary will be removed at our discretion. Thanks!

EDIT: Hell go flame each other in the GB.net Crew Room or whatever at the top of the misc forum.