Looking for 12" Egon Spengler

by Walter_Peck

14 years, 6 months ago

Since I broke down and bought a 12“ Ray…..let's try to complete my set.

Is there anyone out there willing to help a fellow Fan out?

I would like a 12” Egon in the original package. I will do the following if you can help me.

I will trade you

1xPeter Venkman - RGB 1st series…to be exact, the one pictured in my avatar.
1xCourtroom Peter
1xSlime-Blower Winston
1xMarshmellow Ray(Ecto-1 exclusive)
19xNOW RGB Comics(the ones I have up for sale)


I will pay for all shipping involved, including the shipping when you send your figure to me.

Anyone within the US have an extra 12“ figured? Somebody has to have one they would be willing to trade….like I said you will get all of the above, free shipping and $60(what you originally paid for the figure).

Basically looking for people with multiples of 12” Egon who would be willing to trade Me for all of the above.

PLEASE…. I do not want re-boxed figures. If you opened them please don't box them back and try to pawn them off.

Anyone who can help me would be a life saver and I'll take care of you.

Sorry….can't do Luis Not until I would assure myself at least a replacement. I want one of everything original from the first movie both 6 and 12".

EDIT: obviously we can work out any and all arangements on sending of the figures if anyone has interest. Would be willing to ship out the Venkman RGB right now jut to show how serious I am.

Sorry….but if you aren't an established member, I might pass. I wont feel bad if you did the same to me, either.