Looking for a Magnetic Roof Light

by BigMac

15 years, 7 months ago

I'm looking for a roof light to go along with my homemade no ghost logos, but I'm on a very tight budget (as always). I've searched both amazon and ebay, there I found some good looking items but either the cost or the product leave me unsure of what to do.

I need a light that is amber and must have a magnetic mounting base. I'm no law expert on vehicle regulations but I'm almost positive that amber colored lights can be used by anyone as a caution light, making it legal to use.

I found a light on amazon that is only $10, but it doesn't use LED lights, which I prefer LEDs for they're longer lasting and use less power. Also, the light rotates so I would worry about the motor burning out overtime, but yet, it's so cheap.

On ebay I found an interesting item. A light with 48 LEDs that flash in many patterns, but it costs nearly $35 and it's very small. The light is only 12cm x 7.5cm x 7.5cm. For $35 I want something a little larger than that.

Anyone know of a place where I could find what I want? I really prefer a roof light that uses LEDs and has no moving parts. I even thought about buying one of those build it yourself light kits and sticking a magnet to the bottom, though I don't know how well that would workout.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 7 months ago

You could always go to a local towing company and see how much they got theirs for… they might even have a catalogue.

by BigMac

15 years, 7 months ago

A towing company will sell that stuff? I didn't know they sold things.

I only know of an advanced auto parts store in my area. I've been there a few times to get oil and light bulbs but perhaps they have an accessories section there that could have magnetic roof lights.

Though I've noticed sometimes the prices are unbelievable. Some people want over $100 for a little magnetic roof light. Honestly, what's so good to make it worth over $100? Just seems like a flat out ripoff to me.

by jogi82

15 years, 7 months ago

i think he means that u should ask them how much it is what they have on theyre cars!

btw this is an well recomendet comp. in the us:

by BigMac

15 years, 7 months ago

Oh, I misunderstood that.

I have a feeling that towing companies probably pay top dollar for things like this.

by jogi82

15 years, 7 months ago

just give it a try!
maybe they have somethink out of theyr use (doesnt mean broken) and u can get it for cheap!