looking for a midpriced proton pack for Holloween

by kebsis

14 years, 5 months ago

Hi everyone. I'm gonna be a ghostbuster for Holloween, but I'm having trouble finding a decent proton pack. The options seem to be either the cheesy blow up ones that come with store bought costumes, and very expensive replicas from private sellers. I don't want to use the blow up ones because I'm putting some effort into making an authentic looking jumpsuit, and I don't want to torpedo my look with a dorky proton pack. Of course, I don't want to spend a lot of money on a replica either, since I'll be wearing it probably only one time, and it's likely to get abused when I get to whatever party I'm going to.

So I'm basically looking for something that doesn't look terrible, maybe made out of plastic or something. I'd be willing to spend maybe a hundred or two bucks on it.

Sorry if this isn't exactly the right forum for this; I'm kinda flustered right now because I didn't realize it would be so hard to find a decent looking pack when I decided to be a ghostbuster. Has anyone else who's been one for Halloween or whatever in the past have some pics of their costumes or just recommendations?

Thanks a bunch for any help.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

Unfortunately, you're not going to find what you're looking for, most likely.

A good looking proton pack costs a lot more than $100-200. You're looking at at least $400-500 for a pack, without any lights or anything.

by kebsis

14 years, 5 months ago

Ah, lame. It just sucks that the store bought ones look SO terrible. I remember having a plastic proton pack toy when I was a little kid that looks considerably better than that blow-up crap.

Thank you for your input though.