Looking for all 140 RGB EPS ON DVD!!!!

by 9sam11

20 years ago

does anyone have all the eps on dvd i would like to get them.

by fomeboy

20 years ago

Go to ebay and search for user gambit94577. I bought my 140 episodes 28-DVD set from him and the quality is great for 90% of the episodes. The most important thing is that you can trust this seller. At the time 4 of the DVD's I received didn't work and he sent me a replacement right away.

by 9sam11

20 years ago

thanks ill check it out

by ghostbusterx2

20 years ago

I have all 140 on 28 dvds but it was made on a dvd recorder from a friend or you can check this site out

http://www.transformerscds.com/main.html?agree=0 (*peter)

by fomeboy

20 years ago

GhostbusterX, I am kind of confused…

on this thread


you are asking me:

What is the quality of the episodes on a scale of 1-10 for this guys seasons?

and on this thread you said:

I have all 140 on 28 dvds but it was made on a dvd recorder from a friend or you can check this site out

http://www.transformerscds.com/main.html?agree=0 (*peter)

so why are you asking questions to which you already know the answers? There's only one RGB 28-DVD set going around and the one you have it's the same one I have… :p

by ghostbusterx2

20 years ago

Cause I always look for a better quality! (*peter)

by fomeboy

20 years ago

We will all gonna have to wait until they do officially release them on DVD then… hopefully I hope they do

by spookbuster1

20 years ago

Transformer CD's uses the same program for DVD burning and video editing as me. I recognize that menu backbround from Pinnacle Studio! Ha. But, that looks pretty trustworthy, 100 bucks is a big ammount. I've transfered all my XGB episodes to DVD and I have every episode but 1… Someday I'll make copies and sell them. For less than 100!

by doctorvenkman1

20 years ago

I would hope you would sell XGB for less than $100! Its not even close to worth that. RGB had 140 episodes, and that's $100. XGB only had 40 episodes!

by fomeboy

20 years ago

I bought my RGB 28-DVD Set from this seller.
He's selling all 40 episodes of EGB on DVD for 40$.
