Looking for all 140 RGB EPS ON DVD!!!!

by 9sam11

19 years, 11 months ago

Gambit trye to scam me when he told me he didnt get the money i checked and it said that he did receie the money so i told him i would report him if he did not send and he sent them right away, ifhe trys this on any of you just do what i did and he'll send them there first class.

by fomeboy

19 years, 11 months ago

Gambit trye to scam me when he told me he didnt get the money i checked and it said that he did receie the money so i told him i would report him if he did not send and he sent them right away, ifhe trys this on any of you just do what i did and he'll send them there first class.


by thickets

19 years, 10 months ago

Gambit trye to scam me when he told me he didnt get the money i checked and it said that he did receie the money so i told him i would report him if he did not send and he sent them right away, ifhe trys this on any of you just do what i did and he'll send them there first class.

Did you get your DVDs? I'm curious myself about the quality as I am missing a few episodes from my collection.

by fomeboy

19 years, 10 months ago

Gambit trye to scam me when he told me he didnt get the money i checked and it said that he did receie the money so i told him i would report him if he did not send and he sent them right away, ifhe trys this on any of you just do what i did and he'll send them there first class.

Did you get your DVDs? I'm curious myself about the quality as I am missing a few episodes from my collection.

I stated those DVD's quality on this thread… read above

by thickets

19 years, 10 months ago

Sorry, let me restate the question:

9sam1, did you get your DVDs?

by fomeboy

19 years, 10 months ago

Sorry, let me restate the question:

9sam1, did you get your DVDs?

oh… it was specifically for 9sam1… sorry dude… but since it's a free topic… I thought I could help…

Did you get your DVDs? I'm curious myself about the quality as I am missing a few episodes from my collection.

Well… I received mine… and I originally posted the message about that seller selling the RGB 28-DVD Set… I was just trying to help you by letting you know about those DVD's quality… but since you don't wanna know what I have to say or what I have already said… well sayonara dude… it's your choice and I have to respect that… :p

by 9sam11

19 years, 10 months ago

yea i received them, the quality is good some episodes are a bit fuzzy and i had a couple problems with sound, some times the sound would go in and out, but other than that they where pretty good quality

by thickets

19 years, 10 months ago

Thanks for the update, 9sam1! It's always good to get feedback on a product from multiple sources.

by RayStantz1986

19 years, 10 months ago

The link isn't working. I can't get past the disclaimer page either. Does someone here capable of copying their DVDs? I can send blank ones for you to use to make it easier for you. Please help a desperate fan! :-)

by fomeboy

19 years, 10 months ago

I would if I had a DVD-burner man… :-(