Looking for ALL episodes of Ghostbuster

by hotazn127

21 years, 11 months ago

Dear all Fellow Fans.. i'm looking for ALL EPISODES of all the ghostbuster cartoons. I would really like it to be on CDs so I can watch them on my DVD player. Please list out the prices and the quality of the episodes. Thank you. Email me at aznray@hotmail.com if you have an offer. Thank you very much

*and correction I want all episdoes from “The Real Ghostbusters” to “Extreme Ghostbusters” I actually want both series and all their volumes. That's a Total of 170 episodes together according to this page's resource on how many episodes are there.

by Pootie

21 years, 11 months ago

if you are not lazy you can get them yourself off the irc channel and then burn them to vcd yourself. but if you are you could just ask and pay cash here.

by hotazn127

21 years, 11 months ago

really? i can get them free on IRC? what channel? and server is it on? but if it's too much of a hassle GRRR!! haha

*and correction I want all episdoes from “The Real Ghostbusters” to “Extreme Ghostbusters” I actually want both series and all their volumes. That's a Total of 170 episodes together according to this page's resource on how many episodes are there.

by Pootie

21 years, 11 months ago

/server irc.autobotnation.com
/join #realghostbusters

i have all of season one and some of season 2 and other people have alot more.

by hotazn127

21 years, 11 months ago

the server doesn't seem to work… do I have to add that server? or something?