looking for any MOC ghostbusters figures

by PROTON786

21 years, 7 months ago

:d hello, im just looking for any MOC ghostbusters figures that you might have. im trying to start collecting them so i can buy them or trade if you are looking for any MOC figures that are not ghostusters. i also have complete card decks if interested. thanks a bunch and leave a post. also, please dont post any links to sites that sells gb figures. ive got many of thoes, lol.

by Proton_User

21 years, 7 months ago

theres a bunch of them on Ebay going cheap see stoofus' post above!!

by erikghostbuster

21 years, 7 months ago

Here are some sites that sell them in Moc


by krillian

21 years, 7 months ago

I am selling a slimed hero Ray moc. Make an offer here or email me if you are interested.

by PROTON786

21 years, 7 months ago

:d I can give ya $25 for it. 20 for the figure and 5 for shipping. would that be ok? and is the card in good condition?

by krillian

21 years, 7 months ago

the card has some ware on the bottom (below the figure) Other than that it is totally mint. $25 is a fair price. How will the money be sent? I would prefer paypal. I could take M.O. or hiden cash. (at risk, of course)

by PROTON786

21 years, 7 months ago

i could sent a money order out in the next few days if you want just email me at banky786@hotmail.com with your address.

by Stoofuss

21 years, 7 months ago

Hey, man– if you want any and all moc figures, this will make you drool.

by krillian

21 years, 7 months ago

I was going to buy these, but the cards look like crap!

by abathalon

21 years, 7 months ago

HI! I'd be willing to let go my Mint on card Slimer for $30. Let me know
