Looking for builders!!

by ghostbusterboy

18 years, 9 months ago

Yes I was wandering how much it would cost to get a proton built with sounds and lights? I have loved Ghostbusters since I was just a weee little tike like everybody else here probally. Well now I need a proton pack and I need to find a builder since I am not a crafty one to build one with good quality. (*peter)

by bctsnowdevil

18 years, 9 months ago

A light kit for the proton pack and the gun cost about 300$ and a sound kit 500$ so… you have to had the price of the pack :S Good luck.

by ghostbusterboy

18 years, 9 months ago

Thanks. I know the sound is expensive but, I was wondering if there is a way to take the pack apart after it is built and put it in later so I can get the lights and pack now and then sound later when I save for it?

by bctsnowdevil

18 years, 9 months ago

I currently build my pack and just in parts (resin parts, tubing, resistor (real), fittings and vacuformed parts) I have about 500-600$. My light kit cost 100$ and the alice pack 50$. So it can give you an idea. Maybe talk with a guy named hotshot. He build pack and trap and many things (I dont know if he build it again) but you can try to talk with him.


by ghostbusterboy

18 years, 9 months ago

thanks for the help.