Looking for GB RPG stuff

by CaptKevMan

20 years, 3 months ago

Hey folks:

I'm looking for the first edition boxed Ghostbusters RPG. Maybe some of the standalone adventures, as well. Not looking to pay a mint; mainly just looking for the equipment cards and an extra Ghost die.

I have the Ghostbusters International boxed set, but it didn't come with the fun equipment cards that the first edition had.

Alternately, if anyone has just the text from the equipment cards, I'd love to see it, since I'm in the process of taking some screen grabs to make my own equipment cards.


by PeterVenkmen

20 years, 1 month ago

I just won a First Edition Set on ebay. I'm planning on scanning and typing all the rules the box came with. Mines unopened so it's complete.

by FantasmaVerde

19 years, 11 months ago

I just won the Pumpkin Patch RPG book that I didn't realize I already own. I paid .99¢ plus $4.75 s&h. If you (or anyone) want to pay that for it, plus a couple more bucks so I can ship to you first class, say so!
