Looking for Ghostbuster Arm Patch

by evenflow66

19 years, 3 months ago

Anyone have any extras they can sell? I ordered mine from Scifipatch.com but I am skeptical it will arrive in time for Halloween.

Give me a shout if you can help-



by TheWug728

19 years, 3 months ago

http://www.patchdistributor.bizland.com/scifipatch.chtml This site not only has the GB logo but they have GB2, Nameplates, GB3 (not official but pretty cool anyhow) and they ship things out pretty fast.

by texasgb1

19 years, 3 months ago

I got some from hottopic a few years back. I dont know if they still have them but you may want to try there if you dont want to do it over the pc
