Looking for Ghostbusters themes for Mobile Phone

by batman2

18 years, 2 months ago

Getting myself a new mobile phone next week, a Sony Ericson K750i.
So just wanted to know if there were any FREE or cheap wallpapers/ 3D Logo's or Ringtones available for download.

Thanks in advance.

Who You Gonna Call (^_^)

by spengs1

18 years, 2 months ago

Whose your wireless provider? I know with Cingular and Sprint you can download the Ghostbusters ring tone from there respective media networks. By now you can probably do the same with Verizon.

If you're outside the US, I really wouldn't know.

*edit* I just saw you are outside the US. If those providers aren't also in the UK, I hope our UK members will respond.

Cue the regulars.

by batman2

18 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for the reply Spengs but I have never heard of any of those providers in the UK.

I think i'll just design my own stuff for the phone, seen aa few sites selling the real MP3 and polyphonic ringtones.

by spengs1

18 years, 2 months ago

You're welcome. Yeah after I posted, I remembered that you could most likely get the ring tone or the mp3 on-line. There's also software (most likely PC) that can convert music into ring tones. I've never used any as I'm a Mac user and never needed that software. That might depend on your phone and features you have with your wireless provider.