Looking for Good RGB Sounds .. If so Come on In!

by rabidsloth18

21 years, 6 months ago

Hello everyone, do you have a favorite quote from an RGB, A classic line from one of the guys that your just dying to get. If so tell me the quote and the episode and I'll see if I can cut you a custom sound clip. I'll then post it for download on my website so you can download it to your computer. Well lets see where this goes. Check my site later to see a new section and maybe your custom voice clip will be there.


I'll post the new section of my site when I get my first request. I don't have every episode, but most of the better known ones.

by rabidsloth18

21 years, 6 months ago

you can also tell me what format you want the sound…..wav…mp3….wma

It's up to You! Post me an episode and the line of dialogue from any character (everyone's got a favorite Egon or Peter saying) now you can have it in mp3 format. I'll get to work making the file for you as soon as I see your request.

by Kingpin

21 years, 6 months ago

Does Brian know you have some of his files?

by rabidsloth18

21 years, 6 months ago

Who is Brian? and What Files?

by Kingpin

21 years, 6 months ago

The MP3s from the RGB soundtrack, his is the only site that has them online.

And the member's name is Brian Reilly.

by rabidsloth18

21 years, 6 months ago

I don't know what your talking about. I only host one mp3 on my site, and its the slimer theme, The Tahiti songs are from the RGB soundtrack. I pulled the songs off the Cd using windows movie maker, saved them as Wma (windows media audio) I own an RGB soundtrack and wanted to post my favorite songs from it.

by rabidsloth18

21 years, 6 months ago

ohh, sorry the Mp3 is the Real Ghostbusters Theme, which I got off Kazaa!

by JimPhelps

21 years, 6 months ago

and how did you get the RGB soundtrack on CD? as far as I know, no company has released the soundtrack onto CD for sale…

are you saying you got teh songs from Brian's site, burned them onto a CD, then ripped them back onto your hard drive to post onto your site? Im kinda confused…

by rabidsloth18

21 years, 6 months ago

I made my CD of all the RGB songs a long time ago, well maybe 2 years ago. I downloaded them from a program called Aimster (just like Napster) but it was shut down (just like Napster). I put the songs on my Cd so I can listen to them with my Cd player. I had since lost my Aimster files and the only way of getting the songs back was to rip them off my cd. When I did this with windows movie maker it turns them into WMA files, which is what I have on my site. Does that clear things up? :-)

by SkinnyKevin

21 years, 6 months ago

Nice site

I would appreciate it if you could put an mp3 of Tahiti - Mr. Sandman up. The one I got from www.ghostbusters.tk stops after about 3 minutes.