Looking for LOOSE Ghostbuster Toys. Help me out!!!!

by TheAmazingMutato

18 years, 6 months ago

Hey everyone!

I am new here. My son recently watched all of the Ghostbuster Cartoons I bought on DVDs, and now wants the figures. I am looking for LOOSE Figures and Vehicles. They CAN be in played with condition and be incomplete. I would also like some extra accessories and ghosts if possible. Let me know what you got, and how much you want for it. :-)

by TheAmazingMutato

18 years, 6 months ago

Yeah, ebay.

That is the FIRST place I checked.

I just thought since this is a GHOSTBUSTERS Forum, I would have better luck with a large lot.

by egonsbastard

18 years, 6 months ago

Hey man this is Parallax1779 from YoJoe.com . I sent you another PM over there. I was able to find more items you may want.

by SithBLS666

18 years, 5 months ago

if you are patient and look carefully you'll definitely step on a good deal…


That's mine I won it today LOL :-)