Looking for toy of original Ecto's

by stanzOrama

20 years, 4 months ago

I want either the Ecto 1 from the cartoon or the toy they made of the one from GB 2. (It's the one with the caution tape on it) Also the firehouse with as much of the pieces to it, and the original ray with atleast his proton pack or 3 packs.

by moobyghost

20 years, 4 months ago

I have a ecto-1 and I also have a firehouse with all the pieces if you want them.

by stanzOrama

20 years, 4 months ago

Does the Ecto 1 have all the pieces? If so then yes. On both.
Please let me know what the full price is and what method of payment u want. Please email me at timba_tha_great@webtv.net
