Looking for Universal Studios Florida GiftShop latex Slimer

by spengler11

19 years, 11 months ago

As many of us know , Universal Studios Florida once had one of the greatest shows there, The Ghostbusters Spooktackular. After the show you were led into a Ghostbusters Gift shop with lots of cool stuff. One of the things they sold there was these Latex rubber Slimer puppets that were very cool looking but not very cheap. I have never seen these for sale on ebay , I've just seen the regular plush hand puppet they sold there. Does anyone know where I can find these latex/rubber slimers? I remember there was a small , medium and large one. ranging from $20 to $120 . The company that use to make them no longer makes them, and I know over time the latex begins to fall apart , which may cause people to just throw them out. Any help out there in Ghostbusters land would be appreciated , thanks :-)

by gjustis1

19 years, 11 months ago

There WAS one of these guys for sale on eBay a while back…..about 6 months ago, if I had to guess. He wasn't all that badly-priced for a large slimer; around $100-$150 if memory serves me correctly.

But here's my opinion on the thing: ugly as sin. Seriously…..very, very almost “childish” looking. Personally, I thought the Freddy vs GB's slimer was better, and I thought that one sucked.

Regardless, they DO appear from time to time….the best I'd say is keep your eyes on eBay, unless of course someone around here's got one they're hiding away.

by fomeboy

19 years, 11 months ago

But here's my opinion on the thing: ugly as sin. Seriously…..very, very almost “childish” looking. Personally, I thought the Freddy vs GB's slimer was better, and I thought that one sucked.

:-( <— what about me?

by moobyghost

19 years, 11 months ago

I have something that sounds like what you are refering too, but I am not positive, can you show me a pic?

by fomeboy

19 years, 11 months ago

Slimer needs plastic surgery… :p

by moobyghost

19 years, 11 months ago

I have that.