Looking to buy some accessories...

by Mike09

21 years, 4 months ago

Hey fellow GB fans:

I just digged up my Real Ghostbusters firehouse today to put it up for display. Unfortunately the 2 red doors are missing as well as the red “elevator” piece that slides down. If anyone has these spare accessories, I will pay very fairly for them. Please reply below!

Thanks a ton!


by erikghostbuster1

21 years, 4 months ago

I have these parts.

I got the red slide piece along with the blue slide if you need that. Only $1

Also I have the two red doors but the hinges are busted. They do sit on the firehouse though. I would give those to you for free.

Email me at erikghostbuster@yahoo.com with your shipping address if your interested.

Erik Brenner :-)

by winston18

21 years, 4 months ago

Hey. If you don't want the pole and red thing I would buy it. I need the part to.

by erikghostbuster1

21 years, 4 months ago

Ok cool. Please email me at erikghostbuster@yahoo.com to give me your shipping address. Just send me like $3 for it all.

Erik Brenner

by Mike09

21 years, 3 months ago

I just e-mailed you. Do you by chance have Paypal?

by Mike09

21 years, 3 months ago

It looks as if someone already got the accessories. Does anyone else have the Firehouse elevator and two red doors? I'll be willing to pay a good deal of money. Thanks.

by erikghostbuster1

21 years, 3 months ago

you know what I am so sorry because you were the first one to respond to me. I would still like to sell some to you, but I would have to buy a new firehouse from a guy i know who has one, meaning you would have to pay me at least $5 for it, since the whole firehouse is $15. Please let me know if your still interested.

Erik Brenner

by winston18

21 years, 3 months ago

Erik you don't have to do that I set it straight with Mike myself he will be receiving the pole.

by Mike09

21 years, 3 months ago

I appreciate that, Winston. I sent you both PM's. Maybe we can all win in this situation still yet…