M. Scott's GB4 Script

by M.Scott

22 years, 6 months ago

“why do the GBs need to watch their own movie?”

The idea was something like the “Stab” series in the “Scream” movies. The “Ghostcrashers” series that the GBs watch is a film series based on their “real life” adventures.

If you had a movie based off something in your life, tell me you wouldn't watch it.

As a bit of news for those who enjoyed my scripts–they're going in for a major overhaul soon, with help from a dedicated poster to these forums and a good friend of mine. It'll probably be a brand new experience for all of you, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Keep your eyes open!

M. Scott

by kyleogb1983

22 years, 6 months ago

Mr. Scott, I really enjoy reading both your scripts i believe that their great to read and i hope that if they do make the gb3&4 they'll use your scripts, Sir.