Mac Format?

by SpiritBurner

22 years, 6 months ago

I suppose this'll be a proper time to introduce myself. I'm Jacob, a self proclaimed freelance writer and internet surfer - so in other words I really have no profession, but I'm only fifteen so it's not that incredulous.

I've been a Ghostbuster afficionado my entire life - Irecall fleetingly of watching Real Ghostbusters when I was quite young, and it still is one of my favorites shows, despite I haven't seen it in years. It's a pity the streaming video is defunct.

Enough about me. This Ghostbusters Doom looked intruiging - a GB Doom-engined game. What could be better? …Of course, it's too good to be true, not in a Mac format. Is there anyone who may have or could convert it to a Mac OS compatible application? I'd be very gracious.


by J.C

22 years, 6 months ago

No it dosen't.

I share your pain, fellow Mac user.

by SpiritBurner

22 years, 6 months ago

Oh well. -_-

by NetSolo

22 years, 6 months ago

::Sigh:: I've been sayin' it for years.

And there's a great conversion program for DOOM for the Mac, if only I had the knowledge. Sorry.

by Slider_85

22 years, 5 months ago

Im actually working on a “emulator” if you will for GB DOOM and MAC. Im not even close to being done, but Ill let you guys know when I have it.