Major Glitches With Ghosts Getting Stuck

by matthew1

15 years, 6 months ago

This has happened to me three times now in different areas of the game. I have been battling against an enemy and it has gotten permenently stuck behind a wall. I have had no choice but to reset the game and replay it from the last save point. This is a terrible glitch which the testers should have found and which the programmers should have put right. This is just unforgivable.

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 6 months ago

really? I never had that problem, and I HAVE played through the Campaign 3 times. Although the ONLY problem I have encountered is the sound cutting off in MP.

by mrpecker2

15 years, 6 months ago

Yes….unforgivable. *sigh*

Sometimes I think people forget what it was like when there was NOTHING new with this franchise. I mean NOTHING. Then a video game/new story is dropped into our laps and it's welcomed with a shower of complaints…

Accidents happen. Start the level over and do it again….

by Cosmic-Riptide

15 years, 6 months ago

I actually had this happen to me four times tonight with the Wii game (tonight is the first time I've ever experienced the problem though). I got one of the grave digger ghosts stuck behind the same wall TWICE, another stuck behind a gate, and a Gozer worshiper stuck behind a sealed door.

The first time I was forced to reset the level. The other three times, through a lot of patience and dumb luck, I was able to wrangle the ghost and trap it despite the glitch.

It seems to me, where the Wii version is concerned, that the game becomes prone to glitches when you attempt to “speed run” through levels.

I even managed to crash and lock up my Wii the other day trying to play through “The Collector” battle too quickly. I had died and re-spawned, skipped over the dialog, and jumped into the battle while the console was apparently still thinking a little about the previous battle (the screen said that Egon was down despite the fact that the level had reset).

When I skipped the dialog/cinematic at the beginning of the level, the dialog continued to play for a second, regardless, and clashed with the characters talking during the battle itself.

The next thing I know The Collector is spitting out way more enemies then he usually does, the sound cuts out, and the picture goes black (followed by some sort of null read error frozen on the screen).

I had to disconnect the power cord in order to shut down the system, but when I started it back up agian everything was fine.

When I played through the game the first time (at a normal pace), the only glitches I encountered were cosmetic.(*winston)

by JimPhelps

15 years, 6 months ago

Its mostly happened to me during online multiplayer. Its not an everytime occurence or anything. It happens about once every 50 matches and sometimes once every 20. The only good thing about that, the best way to “reset” a level on multiplayer is get everybody to cross the streams shooting at the ghost. Best way to reset EVER!!!

by matthew1

15 years, 6 months ago

mr pecker;151050
Yes….unforgivable. *sigh*

Sometimes I think people forget what it was like when there was NOTHING new with this franchise. I mean NOTHING. Then a video game/new story is dropped into our laps and it's welcomed with a shower of complaints…

Accidents happen. Start the level over and do it again….

The fact that we went so long with nothing new being released is irrelevent. If the game has faults and glitches, which it does, then the complaints are valid and should be highlighted.

by misfit1

15 years, 6 months ago

I only had it happen once with a Hoboghost that I had managed to slam outside of the level. No biggie, just reset. I got to bust them all over again.

by Yehome

15 years, 6 months ago

The whole game is incredibly bugged.

by SlimersPeanut

15 years, 6 months ago

Ive never had any glitches on single player, just on multi-player.