by matthew1

15 years, 9 months ago


This film does not need new recruits and it certainly does not need Oscar Barrett!

I can see it now. It's going to be like some kind of domestic comedy. Peter and Dana going through a rocky patch. Oscar the wayward son. Peter and Oscar having a war of words. The all too predictable “You're not my dad PETER” line. Then to top it all off the typical getting back together final where Peter saves Oscar and kisses Dana at the end. If oscar calls Peter dad at the end of it I think I just may throw up.

No no no. Ghostbusters III must move away from these characters and onto something new.

by Yehome

15 years, 9 months ago

I can see it now. It's going to be like some kind of domestic comedy. Peter and Dana going through a rocky patch. Oscar the wayward son. Peter and Oscar having a war of words. The all too predictable “You're not my dad PETER” line. Then to top it all off the typical getting back together final where Peter saves Oscar and kisses Dana at the end. If oscar calls Peter dad at the end of it I think I just may throw up.

Quoted for truth.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

This film does not need new recruits and it certainly does not need Oscar Barrett!

You're really going to have to get over the new recruits thing.

It's happening. In every interview they say so.

Plus, the Ghostbusters already have a new recruit, you… according to the video game.

I'm not totally in support of Oscar being a GB, but I can see potential… def don't like the “team splitting up” aspect though.

by lozbloke

15 years, 9 months ago

Sorry guys, Im a huge Ghostbusters fan and also an acting lecturer. Having being born in 1978, Ive loved this film from way back when.
It makes perfect dramatic sense to utilise Oscar in terms of bringing about a new generation of Ghostbusters, as they are gonna do a handing down of the torch, he would make the most sense journey wise to carry the story forwards. For continuity purposes, this is the most logical and dramatic sense. Its dramatic canon for a story.
Enjoy the moment, lets be fair, from the talent it could well be a heck of a lot better that GB2 (which I kinda like, but only as a reunion film in itself). Dont slag the film off before we see a script, full plot, cast list, movie….I could go on!!
And for those who just want the originals - that could be the worst mistake ever - someone always asks ABBA why they wont reform for the billions of pounds/dollars offered - why? because they dont want people expecting them young, how they were in the 70s/80s and being disappointed as a result,fair credit to them and to the original GB crew for the same reason

by matthew1

15 years, 9 months ago

Doctor Venkman;147311
You're really going to have to get over the new recruits thing.

It's happening. In every interview they say so.

Plus, the Ghostbusters already have a new recruit, you… according to the video game.

I'm not totally in support of Oscar being a GB, but I can see potential… def don't like the “team splitting up” aspect though.

I'm aware of all of the rumours. I realise that a new team will be introduced and I hate the idea.

Some people don't seem to realise, it wasn't so much the chasing and catching of ghosts which we liked about these movies. It was the people doing it! To take them away or even move the spotlight away from them is to take away the most important, most likable thing about these movies. The characters. It's like taking the meat out of a big mac, trying to replace it with something else and expecting it to be just as good.

I don't see any potential for a good movie in bringing back Oscar or in a new team for that matter. Both ideas seem both predictable and unoriginal to me. The new recruits idea in particular just sounds like retracing old steps from the original film. These ideas don't exite me in any way.

I don't think that the film has to take into account what has happened in the game.

by slimer3881

15 years, 9 months ago

I said this before on this topic, i agree with Matt, we HAVE grown up with these characters, and theyve become sort like a “favorite band”.

the members of the band, are what make the music awesome.

just like each character, makes the comedy/franchise awesome.

what if you were to find out all the members of your favorite band were being replaced?

Introducing the NEW Beatles!

Introducing the NEW Clash!


BUT! im willing to give it a chance to see who they cast, and how the new characters are written.

so we'll see.

by Dr.D

15 years, 9 months ago

We all need to chill out here. I love Dan, but he's not exactly the source for truth when it comes to news, especially about GB3. He's not involved with the writing, so what he says is, sorry to say, worth jack. Remember, Harold Ramis did a lot of rewriting with the first script. The office writers are still working on THE FIRST DRAFT. As someone who has been involved in the process of making films, a first draft is usually almost a different movie then what is seen in theaters. We can't take anything as gospel until the films gets further along. For god's sake, the movie hasn't even been greenlit. Relax, you guys panic whenever anyone has any news about the film. We as fans MUST accept at least two things. First, there will be new Ghostbusters. Unless they take the CGI route we won't see the boys as the main Ghostbusters. Some of you guys are worse then Trekkies. If fans can't accept new characters as Ghostbusters, the franchise will die. Second, the film hasn't been greenlit and you're complaining already. Until the film is given the go, relax, nothing is final. Just because Dan says something, doesn't make it true.

by Vinz-2206

15 years, 9 months ago

I think Oscar being one of the new Ghostbusters, for me, might make the new team aspect a little easier to accept since there will be a connection to the original films there. I'm just a sucker for continuity like that.

But, having the Ghostbusters out of business at the beginning disappoints me. I was hoping that over 20 years the company had expanded into something even more successful, not closed down again.

I hope that maybe that will be changed.

by megax111

15 years, 9 months ago

I was hoping Oscar would be apart of the GB, for continuity sake. Also make Venkman and Dana married, and have been married since part 2, so this stops the whole process over of getting back together.

That said, I think what needs to happen to make this a great film, is not go after characters like Ben Stiller, Seth Rogen, Shia Lebouf, and people like that.

They need to draw characters who are popular from SNL this day and age.

That's what I think the film needs.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

I was hoping Oscar would be apart of the GB, for continuity sake. Also make Venkman and Dana married, and have been married since part 2, so this stops the whole process over of getting back together.

That said, I think what needs to happen to make this a great film, is not go after characters like Ben Stiller, Seth Rogen, Shia Lebouf, and people like that.

They need to draw characters who are popular from SNL this day and age.

That's what I think the film needs.

I think you're confusing “characters” with “actors”. Those people are actors who play characters, not the other way around.

I don't really want any of those three in this though, either. They don't really bring the type of humor that Ghostbusters should be. Maybe Shia LaBoeuf as much as I hate to admit it, but even still I just don't want him in it for some reason.