by lozbloke

15 years, 9 months ago

for goodness sake, this is a film that hasnt been filmed yet and a story that hasnt been told. Enjoy the moment, for the first time this film looks like its gonna be made. Its being written by very talented scriptwriters, which is woven around a plot that Ayckroyd and Ramis have written, and is being supervised by both them and Ivan. The whole cast have said “apparently” they will come on board (bar Moranis), and theyve said that theyve learnt the mistakes from the second film, and to steer towards the first one. Dont shoot it dow before we no bugger all.

And yes now we know about the Oscar thing, but to be fair, that was the obvious tie in for continuity. You cant critisise a character when he was a non speaking (baby) character in the sequel (which to be fair was poor compared to the first film - a cheesefest that only served as a reunion/companion (but then that would be in the same way as Grease 2 was to Grease) - it was cartoony and made to appeal to the Real Ghostbusters animation audience, and contained none of the realism and (back then) scares of the original. This time they know their mistakes it seems, and they are focussing on the pros of the original film.

Its in good hands by all accounts - just trust it - nuff said :-) X

by fleminatube

15 years, 9 months ago

I also dislike the idea of a new generation (along with Matthew and Slimer388) , and I have worked in Industry and now I am attaining a PhD . I just had visions of Ray talking about the private sector!

I just can not get my head around WHY we need new Ghostbusters apart from the obvious one of trying to make the film more fashionable to the younger generations. Think of the original film is there really that much physical action? Most of the time they just walk or stand holding the proton pack wand and shaking it. If they do need to do any stunts, they could always use a stunt double, but GB should not concentrate on action, its a comedy. This poses the question of whom can best fill the shoes of the ghostbusters to make it a comedy? I honestly believe that it is the originals.

I can just see it being akin to EGB, i.e. dull and about as funny as a chronic haemorrhoids.

Everyone is entitled to their wishes and opinions and many people I speak to do wish GB3 does focus on the originals. Think EGB + Blues Brothers 2000 + GB2 + Police Academy sequels and you will understand why some of us are worried!

by slimer3881

15 years, 9 months ago

Like your equation run down of Gb3. haha.

GB2 was a good movie, i think its only problem was it kind of stumbles and runs low on laughs through the middle, but picks up again toward the end.

I know GB3 isnt made yet, but im just stating my opinion and worries about the ideas that are buzzing about right now.

I think a new team shouldnt be introduced untill a 4th film, personally, (but thats not happening!). we've waited too long to see these 4 guys suit up again, only to have them be blurred into supporting roles to the new guys.

Though, im very open minded about a new team. its just a matter of the how well the new characters are written, portrayed, AND CAST, all three of these production values should be PHENOMENAL. otherwise, its gonna be hard to warm up to new a team, when we've already accepted the originals as family, and have been wanting to see them again for so long.

Its kinda like being on a long trip, and coming home, would you rather see your friends or meet some strangers? (yeah, pathetic analogy, but you get the point)

by cowboyspike1

15 years, 9 months ago

I don't understand why we can't have the original cast wearing the packs again. It's not like they're running around doing crazy stunts. In GBs 1 and 2, the majority of the films were the guys not wearing the packs. Have a big ghost bust in the beginning and another for the finale. If the packs are too heavy then make them lighter.

by Dr.D

15 years, 8 months ago

If they do it, a great idea would be a “Back in the Saddle” type movie. That would be kick ass, a new team is trapped in another dimension or something similar, and the old team has to reunite to save them. Who wouldn't want to see that?

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

The problem here is too many people are thinking of the actors carrying props and special effects being added later, which is the complete wrong way to think of it.

Its not that they need stunt doubles or extras or whatever to do the “overly physical parts”, its that these guys (Venkman, Stantz, Spengler, and Zeddemore NOT Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, and Hudson) are up towards the age where the job, which IS physically demanding, would be pushing them towards retirement, if it were real. You can't think of it as “Why would the Ghostbusters need to hire new recruits when the film doesn't show a ton of physical stuff, and they could just get stunt doubles.” Because you're taking Ghostbusters which is the fictional part, and combining it with the actors not needing to do stuff and they could just get stunt doubles, which is the reality. You have to think of it as if its a real business, and that these characters are real people.

Let alone the fact that all the nay-sayers continue to ignore the fact that they are at least 6 Ghostbusters in the timeline now (7 if you include Louis). There's the original 4, and then the Rookie from the video game, and the guy that Venkman refers to as to why they don't want to know your name (“Like the last guy”). There HAVE been new recruits and there would obviously continue to be.

by StayPuffMarshmellowMan

15 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman;149591
The problem here is too many people are thinking of the actors carrying props and special effects being added later, which is the complete wrong way to think of it.

Its not that they need stunt doubles or extras or whatever to do the “overly physical parts”, its that these guys (Venkman, Stantz, Spengler, and Zeddemore NOT Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, and Hudson) are up towards the age where the job, which IS physically demanding, would be pushing them towards retirement, if it were real. You can't think of it as “Why would the Ghostbusters need to hire new recruits when the film doesn't show a ton of physical stuff, and they could just get stunt doubles.” Because you're taking Ghostbusters which is the fictional part, and combining it with the actors not needing to do stuff and they could just get stunt doubles, which is the reality. You have to think of it as if its a real business, and that these characters are real people.

Let alone the fact that all the nay-sayers continue to ignore the fact that they are at least 6 Ghostbusters in the timeline now (7 if you include Louis). There's the original 4, and then the Rookie from the video game, and the guy that Venkman refers to as to why they don't want to know your name (“Like the last guy”). There HAVE been new recruits and there would obviously continue to be.

I don't think there was a last guy, I think Venkman was just joking around to spook the rookie.

Personally I'm fine with Oscar being one of the new Ghostbusters, I'm also fine with the idea of a new crew and passing the torch kind of story. If the script is solid, they cast the new parts well, and they have a decent director then it'll work. Star Trek: The Next Generation proves you can bring in a new cast & crew and it still works out, similar, but different, but still quite good in the end.

Lets face the truth, we've waiting too long to have the original guys suit up again. They've passed their prime and it's time for them to train the new generation. As long as the original four have solid co-staring roles then I'm a happy camper. Also Peter and Dana should be married, it's just a dumb idea to have those two split apart again. I'm willing to buy the Video Games storyline, they were on a break, and they got together soon after the events of Gozer returning.

Also Ghostbusters: The Video Game rocks, hopefully they make references of the events in Ghostbusters 3.

by BeastieRunner

15 years, 8 months ago

Venkman needs to be single.

by cpm72586

15 years, 8 months ago

I don't mind Oscar returning and being a part of the Ghostbusters really. I hope the story begins with the Ghostbusters being retired, but they have to come out retirement for whatever reason and maybe Oscar tags along. But the original four members reallly need to be prominent in this movie for it to work and not introduce a new team. By the way, anybody wanna bet Michael Cera plays Oscar. He was just in Year One, directed by Harold Ramis, and I saw one time on David Letterman he said the reason why he got into acting was because of the first Ghostbusters. I can totallly see it happening. NO SHIA “I MADE INDIANA JONES 4 EVEN WORSE THAN IT ALREADY WAS WITH INDIANA JONES SURVIVING A NUCLEAR BLAST BY TAKING COVER IN A FRIDGE AND BEING A BUMBLING OLD FOOL WITH TERRIBLE SPECIAL EFFECTS AND A REALLY STUPID PLOT INVOLVING ALIENS AND RUSSIA” LABEOUF.

by deadderek

15 years, 8 months ago

I'm really nervous about this movie possibly being made, but if they cast that *****y actor Shia then they'll really be screwing the pooch.

On a side note, where did that phrase come from?