Makeing a GB3 with GB and GB2?

by TyFire

18 years ago

If someone had the means and the skills and the software to do it, you think it would work. Like I'm tring to say is a, take both movies, put them together kind of, and make a crappy GB3. Just sommthing dumb I came up with.

by Guido75

18 years ago

eghhh :p at least ur thinkn though

by ecto_plasmic1

18 years ago

won't work. It's either or Zuul or Vigo as the big baddies.

by secrecyguy

18 years ago

You mean make fake movie trailers for the Ghostbusters 3?

It's already been done. Do a search on YouTube.

by fome

18 years ago

I think he means a full movie

by fusi0n1

18 years ago

It can be done!

You can dubb voices over (you could work on that for another comedy angle) to create new dialogue and storylines and insert a new bad guy / monster from some other movie (they won't ever be in the same scenes)

But if done correctly, I think it could work.

by drraystanz

18 years ago

Why limit yourself to GB and GB2…use the same films we've seen used in the fake trailers.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

Yeah, do what fusi0n said, add other footage from other movies in as well, and maybe even create new footage(of villians and ghosts) using CG.

But it would probably take a while unless someone had help, and no one would probably do it either. Too much time for no money in return.

by xander

17 years, 12 months ago

Ty Fire
If someone had the means and the skills and the software to do it, you think it would work. Like I'm tring to say is a, take both movies, put them together kind of, and make a crappy GB3. Just sommthing dumb I came up with.

It can work & it will work, just see this & you'll believe…

Note: I didn't make the video.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 12 months ago

Wow, that was very cool. A great editing job. But it was way more than just that, there was much compositing and a nice palette color change to make the Robocop and Terminator background seem very similar. That was a great job. But Robocop blowing Terminator to pieces was rubbish. The Terminator would destroy Robocop without a sweat. The multiple T100s at the end was from T2 but the multiple Robocops were composited side by side entirely, amazing job. Especially from one man.

While I couldn't do anything that good without a lot of practice and preparation, I probably could pull off a decent one myself if I weren't too lazy. But that guy is good. With editing that good, he should be in Hollywood.