Man it's been a while

by DocFritz

18 years, 5 months ago

There's an entire thread about wrestling at GBHQ, and No Ghost posts on it often…

And it is amazing how many new people keep popping up here. I mean, other than the ones that aren't spambots. We gots those at GBHQ also believe me (*janine)

by vincentbelmont1

18 years, 5 months ago

Mr. No-Ghost
now working with Kingpin on creating a Wikipedia page about the Ghosthead Community.

A wikipedia page? Neat!

by pantshater24

18 years, 5 months ago

why did no one tell me there was a philly gb district? god now i have to join them, or else i won't be legit. btw nice randy orton pose. but you gotta look cockier to pull it off perfectly.

by Mr.No_Ghost

18 years, 5 months ago

I guess this means Doom Patrol will have to start advertising on GBN now.

Expect an official thread in the Fan Projects forum to be made today.

by ProtonPack666

18 years, 5 months ago

I return. Because I see that NWO is still here representin Black Dawn. Holy crap man. It's good to see your still around.

I'll be stickin around to help Rob and others with the DP thread.

by Mr.No_Ghost

18 years, 5 months ago

I must say, Brian, it's good to see your Hyabusa avatar again.

by Zedd

18 years, 5 months ago

Mng…hmmm never heard of him. Is he some new rapper or something

by ProtonPack666

18 years, 5 months ago

Uh…. Rapper? lmao. Thanks Zedd, that line made my day. :p

Actually Hayabusa (Your forgettin' the other “A” Rob) was a professional wrestler in Japan. Unfortunately on October 22, 2001 during a match he went to perform one of his signature moves ( which involves doing a backflip off the ropes at the end of the move) slipped off the ropes and landed on his head unfortunately paralyzing him from the neck down.

He went through intensive therapy and in December of the following year he was able to walk with crutches (the one's attached to his wrists).

In March 2003 he was finally released from the hospital and allowed to return home where he would go to a rehibitation center for 3 hours a day to continue learning how to walk.

Although he isn't a rapper he is a musician. I'm not sure what he plays as I have not heard it. In May 2004 he released his first CD.

He currentlyis rehabbing fine and is still getting around in a wheelchair from time to time. Sorry for that long post. But hey, you asked.


by gbandrew1

18 years, 5 months ago

Holy crap, black dawn is still here! Well…most of us are..>_>

Good to see the old gang again