Man you guys...

by Verdic

15 years, 9 months ago

Scott Sommer;137967
No Verdic, I did not play the demo, but I know a few friends who had. I don't think Terminal Reality would make it THAT easy to to capture as they want it to be fun.

Plus, this line I have been giving was not just in one interview, but several including some today. I am just paraphrasing, but they all say this somewhere in there.

There are even a few that the developers will say “(fellow employee) has been doing this for a while so he knows what to do.” It's like pottery, if you watch a master they can make it look so easy, but when you try it without any experience you find it to be harder than it looks.

Have faith in Terminal Reality. Heck, I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take a butcher's word for it.

I find it funny how everyone who isn't on here, is misinterpreting “auto-wrangle.”
I mean if you watched the demo as you say Verdic, then you would have noticed that it took three tries to capture Slimer. He even escaped the traps.

You say you were looking at movement. and such like that….so all you did was look at the insignificant details that probably are as close as they can be? Like the piano. Yeah the beam goes through the piano without ti breaking, but it is as close as it can get without screwing up. As kingpin would say “Close enough.”

You're probably right Scott. I am more looking forward to the struggle though and not just guiding the ghost around on the line. I really loved the Slam mechanic that they showed alot in the early videos. I didn't see alot of that going on in the demo footage. So I was more worried that they had streamlined the process for the average user, thus making it not as enjoyable and more like a “Do A to get to B” sort of deal. I saw Slimer get away from the beam a bit, and that he was slowly moving around the room while having Slimer wrangled, but it's hard to tell from watching the footage if it was really a struggle, the player wasn't that good at what they were doing, or it was being done to show off other details of the game while the demo was going on.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 9 months ago

You're probably right Scott. I am more looking forward to the struggle though and not just guiding the ghost around on the line. I really loved the Slam mechanic that they showed alot in the early videos. I didn't see alot of that going on in the demo footage. So I was more worried that they had streamlined the process for the average user, thus making it not as enjoyable and more like a “Do A to get to B” sort of deal. I saw Slimer get away from the beam a bit, and that he was slowly moving around the room while having Slimer wrangled, but it's hard to tell from watching the footage if it was really a struggle, the player wasn't that good at what they were doing, or it was being done to show off other details of the game while the demo was going on.

You must've been watching a different demo then I as I saw that guy slamming Slimer into tables and the floor quite a bit.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

You're probably right Scott. I am more looking forward to the struggle though and not just guiding the ghost around on the line. I really loved the Slam mechanic that they showed alot in the early videos. I didn't see alot of that going on in the demo footage. So I was more worried that they had streamlined the process for the average user, thus making it not as enjoyable and more like a “Do A to get to B” sort of deal. I saw Slimer get away from the beam a bit, and that he was slowly moving around the room while having Slimer wrangled, but it's hard to tell from watching the footage if it was really a struggle, the player wasn't that good at what they were doing, or it was being done to show off other details of the game while the demo was going on.

It's funny that you mention that because I have seen a lot of people say this to devlopers when they see footage of someone playing it from their team. We watch them play and they just like suck; they shoot at wall, throw grenades at walls that bounce back, and et cetera.

I even remember one guy from Monolith saying “I want to preserve to the demo and make it cool and surprising. If I wanted to, I could head shot every bad guy and run through the whole level in nil time.”

So the fans, and this will tickle you, called him out on this. Even some of the other developers were like “Yeah, prove it” in joking manor.

So maybe, we should challenge Skankerzero to a match after everyone beats the game.

by Verdic

15 years, 9 months ago

I know there are a couple demo's recorded out there but the one I saw the guy looked like he was lost. Kind of just pulling Slimer along and at one point he shatters the piano just by walking the stream through it while seemingly biding his time to work slimer into the trap.

It's entirely possible he was letting the automatic option work in his favor in taking his time to wear Slimer down and set him into the trap. Though i'm sure most of us are probably going to be far more aggressive. Early wrangles, lots of slamming, general chaos, ect. (*peter)