Manga influence on the art...

by BorgeoisBuffoon

21 years, 8 months ago

No magna influence. Personally, I wouldn't like it in this comic-not at all aversion to magna, heck no. But this does seem a comic that would be best done in a Western Style. Can you imagine Peter or Ray with no noses and huge eyes?

by RevRaven

21 years, 8 months ago

Shucks howdy all. Super long time Internet Ghosthead, first time poster and stuff.

As a big comics dork, the news about the GB comic made me so happy. And the art looks quite good.

As far as manga style, not at all. This is good classic American comic style. And I for one hope the comic is just that, a comic and does not have manga style at all in it.

Manga is much slower than American comics. Fewer pannels per page, slower action, manga is almost like a story board for anime. Comics are much more intense, more things going on. Manga also has much cheaper paper and it's not even in color. So yeah, I hope 88MPH goes for a traditional American comic feel for the book rather than be part of the manga fad. But enough for me, atleast for this post!


by Scarlet_spidey

21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Orko

by Lush

21 years, 8 months ago

As a big comic fan, (yet disliker of anime/manga), I'd have to say that it's not manga. It's a little bit influenced by it perhaps, but that seems to be the trend in north american comics nowadays anyways.
As for the post on the resemblance to Carlos Barberi's art I'd have to agree, although it is much more CG looking. The GB ones don't seem to have the same freshly inked feel that a lot of the Impulse stuff does. But I'm not complaining, they do look spiff.

p.s: Spidey, I love your avatar.

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Bryan.