Marvel: 1939-2009

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 6 months ago

That $uck$ dude… I just read the news in the morning and I´m worried about what´s next.

by RealmMan

15 years, 6 months ago

I landed on this on one of the biznews channels. I hadn't had my WTF moment for today, so that was fulfilled.

I'm worried about this, as any self-respecting fanboy would be (tho if I had self-respect, I'd have friends instead of several hundred Star Trek novels, but anyway…). I really don't see this ending well. I really don't. The last time Marvel hooked up with a studio, the result was the travesty that was Paramount Comics. (Remember the Star Trek/X-Men crossovers? No? Lucky you…)

You know the various companies that have licenses with the House of Ideas and the House of Mouse are birthing infant felines over this:
*Universal Studios theme parks have a large Marvel presence, via rides and costumed actors. This means they are now paying licensing fees to their #1 competitor.
*Nicktoons Network airs X-Men and Iron Man animated programs. Their main competition? Disney Channel.
*Boom! Studios started publishing Disney-based comics this past year. I see that deal vanishing in a heartbeat, despite corporate assurances that all current deals will continue.

I also have horrific visions of Disney-fied Marvel characters for sale at the parks. I cite the precedent of the Disney characters as Star Wars characters. (Darth Goofy? Believe it.) Get ready for the Amazing Spider-Mouse.

I… I just don't want to think on this anymore…

by Popey

15 years, 6 months ago

The merchandise will surely be the only thing that gets ruined by disney.

Im highly doubt any of the writing will get touched, after all disney own the company that makes films such as halloween…

but i cant say im not worried

by Dr.D

15 years, 6 months ago

I don't care what anyone says, this will not end well. Marvel is now owned by the same company who owns Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers. I'm no hippie, but even I know Disney is a giant, not-so-friendly corporation. Imagine, we're probably going to see a Marvel film made by…Pixar. Thank god Iron Man 2 is semi-safe. Marvel is now like a man after a vasectomy. It aint never going to be the same.

by Kingpin

15 years, 6 months ago

we're probably going to see a Marvel film made by…Pixar.

Not that it'd happen, but Pixar handling a Marvel movie would actually not be as bad as you think, Pixar have strived to keep the quality of their product high… Disney wanted to release Toy Story 2 straight-to-video, but the Pixar guys didn't want to cop out, and got it released in theatres.

I'm remaining cautiously optimistic, I think a lot of people have jumped too quickly into assuming it's the end of the Marvel world.

by ParkBench

15 years, 6 months ago

Well, Disney did already own X-Men: TAS, as per the DVDs that recently came out and I think Spider-Man:TAS as well. Spidy, Wolverine & Strom will be joining the parade route with Mickey, Minnie & Kermit the Frog soon!!!

by RealmMan

15 years, 6 months ago

I just watched an interview with Stan Lee over at Fox Business, and he seems OK with the merger.

Tho I feel I should point out the man's in his late 80s and possibly thinks he is Spider-Man…

And I think Disney owns the rights to almost all Marvel animated series made prior to 2000, not including Hanna-Barbera's Fantastic Four… which is owned by Warner Bros… which owns DC…

Politics ain't the only maker of strange bedfellows, gang.

by DocFritz

15 years, 6 months ago

I think RealmMan touched the edges of a point I feel needs to be made:

Time-Warner has owned DC Comics since the 1970's. Notice that they have not stuck Bugs Bunny in any of the Batman movies.

DC now publishes (at least in the United States) all of the comics based on the Warner Brothers characters, but that wasn't immediate and automatic when Warner bought them: Western Publishing maintained the rights to print Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, ect. even after DC became part of the company that owned the characters; it wasn't until Western got out of the comic business in 1984, several years later, that they stopped publishing them. And aside from an odd crossover or two over the years, the DC and Warner Brothers “universes” have not merged.

So I think fevered fears of Wolverine taking Goofy on as his new sidekick are probably a bit overblown.

by Nix

15 years, 6 months ago

I also have horrific visions of Disney-fied Marvel characters for sale at the parks. I cite the precedent of the Disney characters as Star Wars characters. (Darth Goofy? Believe it.) Get ready for the Amazing Spider-Mouse.

To be fair, the Jar-Jar/Goofy statue I saw at EPCOT was funny, and appropriate.