Marvel: 1939-2009

by Popey

15 years, 6 months ago

Ive heard tell, from my comic book guy, that he cant sell Disney comics in the UK because of licensing laws, which could mean that Marvel my stop coming to the UK, but he says not to worry, but i shall anyway

by Kingpin

15 years, 6 months ago


That's rediculous, I've seen Disney comics being sold by my comic guy, I'm sure of it. (*egon)

I'm really starting to wonder if he's using that “legal issues” thing as some sort of crutch…

However, I have no doubt that this merger won't stop the comics from being published here, there would be outrage… enough to cause Disney to change their mind if they were to cause such a thing to happen.

by Popey

15 years, 6 months ago

I thought Disney wouldnt let it happen, but then again he was a Nazi…

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 6 months ago

Now that…

That is rediculous.

While many of the decisions made by the company since Walt's death I can honestly say I haven't agreed with…but certainly not fascist or Nazi in anyway.

Now if you are talking about Walt himself…

So I do not have to link it later which I probably would eventually have to

by ScottSommer

15 years, 6 months ago

Not that it'd happen, but Pixar handling a Marvel movie would actually not be as bad as you think, Pixar have strived to keep the quality of their product high… Disney wanted to release Toy Story 2 straight-to-video, but the Pixar guys didn't want to cop out, and got it released in theatres.

I'm remaining cautiously optimistic, I think a lot of people have jumped too quickly into assuming it's the end of the Marvel world.

Yeah I don't think Pixar has released a bad movie yet. Every single one they did has become and instant success.

by SthingNMyHouse

15 years, 6 months ago

it may not be that much different, disney owns about everything it seems like abc and espn

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 5 months ago

Okay, everyone needs to stop panicking about this. Mergers happen EVERY SINGLE DAY, if anything, this will be better for Marvel because think of how much more money they will have for advertising or to push through projects that may not have ever come about because of lack of popular support. Disney owns a LOT of things. For example, The Lifetime network. I know this may not speak well for anyone, but think about how many “all-men-are-dangerous-and-will-rape-you” movies they play on a daily basis. That seems pretty uncharacteristic for Disney. I've never ONCE seen Mickey Mouse as a guest commenter on ANY ESPN broadcast sporting event, and yet, they too are owned by Disney. MIRAMAX is owned by Disney, and I'm pretty sure they put out Dogma and Reservoir Dogs…

And lets say HYPOTHETICALLY, they did some kind of Disney/Marvel crossover. It's not out of the question since they are both similar veins of entertainment. Most people think the Kingdom Hearts series was pretty darn good, so it could be done well.

Please, stop freaking out about this and go back to worrying about the end of the world in 2012.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 5 months ago

Ayame Ex_Goddess;154276
Okay, everyone needs to stop panicking about this. Mergers happen EVERY SINGLE DAY, if anything, this will be better for Marvel because think of how much more money they will have for advertising or to push through projects that may not have ever come about because of lack of popular support. Disney owns a LOT of things. For example, The Lifetime network. I know this may not speak well for anyone, but think about how many “all-men-are-dangerous-and-will-rape-you” movies they play on a daily basis. That seems pretty uncharacteristic for Disney. I've never ONCE seen Mickey Mouse as a guest commenter on ANY ESPN broadcast sporting event, and yet, they too are owned by Disney. MIRAMAX is owned by Disney.

Not many people know this, but Disney actually owns a few pornography studios. Yes, this is true, believe me.

Just because one company buys another doesn't mean it is going to be a “radical change.” There might be one, but there is a good chance there won't be if the company is a respectable one. Activision is one of those odds one that play hard ball and want to do it their way. Take-two is also a little bit like that, but not as bad.

by IrieMangaStudios

15 years, 5 months ago

Ayame Ex_Goddess;154276
Disney owns a LOT of things. For example, The Lifetime network. I know this may not speak well for anyone, but think about how many “all-men-are-dangerous-and-will-rape-you” movies they play on a daily basis.

Now that's funny…

Sorry to go off topic but when visiting my mom for Sunday dinner, that is ALL she watching on that day. And coming from a Jamaican family, it's like a reverse parody of when white people watch a black show and make stereotypes, “dang those white men ARE CRAZY!” Jeez, I start making a theory of how many ‘secluded hideaways in the backwoods’ that these guys have to corner the female victim, er heroine. Still surprised that Lifetime still has not shown The Color Purple, but I think BET has on lock and only for once a year rotation…

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 5 months ago

The staff over @ io9 mused over what it would be like if instead of Disney wussified the Marvel catalogue of characters…they turned the tables and darkened some of Disney's “Princess” characters (and in some cases more darken)…and these are some of the images they came up with:

The Little Mermaid:

Beauty and the Beast:


Lion King:




Alice in Wonderland


Sleeping Beauty:

Snow White: