Marvel video game.

by Bladex_2004

18 years, 5 months ago

I know this dont belong here but this has more activity.

I was wondering does anyone want to be a vip to this site

if ya do ya can win cool stuff like games, xbox360s. lunch with stan lee, ETC…

Also has a message board, cool sneak peeks and its about their new game where you can play as pretty much ALL of the marvel superheros

This aint a scam or anything its run by marvel comics and totally legit
I have only 20 invites.

If ya want to be a VIP send me your email address and sign up quickly

Also this is legit because i have been on here for a while and been active.

So please let this post stay here because this section has TON more
activity than the others.

by PeterVenkmen

18 years, 5 months ago

Not allowed dude. So what if it gets more here? This is the GHOSTBUSTERS SECTION. Meaning GB, only. You're breaking the rules by posting it in this section.

by Kingpin

18 years, 5 months ago

Peter Venkmen
Not allowed dude. So what if it gets more here? This is the GHOSTBUSTERS SECTION. Meaning GB, only. You're breaking the rules by posting it in this section.

Exactly, Venkman put it perfectly. Just because you'd get more traffic going though ‘General Discussion’ doesn't mean you should do it. I'm booting this over to Misc and I hope that it doesn't happen again.

Edit: Not very impressive, Bladex. First I see you'd posted a blatently off topic post just to get more people seeing it. And now I see you'd created at least two topics on the same issue. Keep the discussion to the other one as I'm gonna lock this one.