Mass Hysteria

by Guido75

18 years ago

i would rather beat my sister up then read a homosexual ghostbusters….plus ghostbusters was such a treasured childhood memory just the thought of reading sexual encounters, just makes me sad.

by Noiseworker

18 years ago

No offense, but I didn't ask for anybody's opinions on slash. If you don't read it, don't like it, don't want to know about it, then the answer is simple: don't visit the darn site once it's up. I won't shove the material in your face - I have respected the wishes of the board's moderators by not publishing any questionable material here. Just won't shove your prejudices into MY face, nor the faces of the numerous authors who have written slash in this fandom.

Besides, as a member previously suggested, a slash archive will only serve to help the fandom, by means of expanding the fan community and introducing a collection of new fans.

Sayingkingkilla: RPS has always been a tricky sub-genre. Some actors have understandably been surprised, shocked and/or offended that such material exists. I haven't come across any GB RPS, but I won't discriminate against those who want to write it. I'll only publish it in the archive, however, if it has a disclaimer stating that the work is pure fiction, and that the author does not intend for the story to be a libellous and defamatory document, but merely an artistic presentation.

By the way, if a previous GB-themed website has already had the name Slime Square, i'll change the title. No worries. However, if the site now operates under a different name, then I don't see the problem. The sites will clearly be two seperate entities. But, if you feel strongly about it, i'll respect your wishes.

by Kingpin

18 years ago

I don't understand why anyone would change the sexual preference of a character. For kicks and giggles? And even then, hetero or homosexual, I certainly ain't reading no RPG about sex. How in the hell do you keep it subliminally? No anal? Then that eliminates slash sex now don't it. Unless it's just oral. Okay, now things are just getting nasty.

Why would anyone turn the Ghostbusters gay just for the hell of it….

Fritz Baugh has implied sexual congress, without getting all graphic… you'd have to read his fics where it happens to really see what I mean.

plus ghostbusters was such a treasured childhood memory just the thought of reading sexual encounters, just makes me sad.

It's for that reason I got into an argument which nearly got someone banned from

No offense, but I didn't ask for anybody's opinions on slash. If you don't read it, don't like it, don't want to know about it, then the answer is simple: don't visit the darn site once it's up.

I appreciate your not asking for people's opinions Noiseworker, it was part of answering that initial question by Sayingkingkilla and subsequent questioning.

by fome

18 years ago

No offense, but I didn't ask for anybody's opinions on slash. If you don't read it, don't like it, don't want to know about it, then the answer is simple: don't visit the darn site once it's up. I won't shove the material in your face - I have respected the wishes of the board's moderators by not publishing any questionable material here. Just won't shove your prejudices into MY face, nor the faces of the numerous authors who have written slash in this fandom.

Besides, as a member previously suggested, a slash archive will only serve to help the fandom, by means of expanding the fan community and introducing a collection of new fans.

Sayingkingkilla: RPS has always been a tricky sub-genre. Some actors have understandably been surprised, shocked and/or offended that such material exists. I haven't come across any GB RPS, but I won't discriminate against those who want to write it. I'll only publish it in the archive, however, if it has a disclaimer stating that the work is pure fiction, and that the author does not intend for the story to be a libellous and defamatory document, but merely an artistic presentation.

By the way, if a previous GB-themed website has already had the name Slime Square, i'll change the title. No worries. However, if the site now operates under a different name, then I don't see the problem. The sites will clearly be two seperate entities. But, if you feel strongly about it, i'll respect your wishes.

ouch! I'm looking forward for your stuff

by misfit1

18 years ago

I dont see why people are getting so angry about this. Sex is obviously implied and referenced in the ghostbusters universe (more then a few times!).

While slash fiction is hardly my cup of tea. It's not going to do any harm. Seriously? whats the worst that can happen? You start questioning your sexuality? God forbid!

by Guido75

18 years ago

i thought a forum was for opinions, topics, and general discussion on a given topic. So if someone brings a topic expect an opinion. Sorry if the opinion isnt what u wanted to hear but I believe we all have entitlement to one.

by Guido75

18 years ago

I don't understand why anyone would change the sexual preference of a character. For kicks and giggles? And even then, hetero or homosexual, I certainly ain't reading no RPG about sex. How in the hell do you keep it subliminally? No anal? Then that eliminates slash sex now don't it. Unless it's just oral. Okay, now things are just getting nasty.

Why would anyone turn the Ghostbusters gay just for the hell of it….

Fritz Baugh has implied sexual congress, without getting all graphic… you'd have to read his fics where it happens to really see what I mean.

plus ghostbusters was such a treasured childhood memory just the thought of reading sexual encounters, just makes me sad.

It's for that reason I got into an argument which nearly got someone banned from

No offense, but I didn't ask for anybody's opinions on slash. If you don't read it, don't like it, don't want to know about it, then the answer is simple: don't visit the darn site once it's up.

so i dont understand what u were saying about my comment. What do u mean someone nearly got band on this subject?

Mod Note: I tried to fix the quote codes to what I believe you meant to display. - Kingping.

by Noiseworker

18 years ago

ouch! I'm looking forward for your stuff

Patience, my dear, all in good time. :p

GB defined just about my entire childhood - the movies were a source of both fear and joy. (I was also terrified by the theme song when I was three, but that's too embarassing to talk about!) Now as an adult, and as an author myself, I have stumbled upon numerous pieces of GB slash and have been very impressed. There are some very well-written works out there. These tell stories that make sense and draw in the reader, rather than have a thin plot half-heartedly slapped together to be used as a vehicle for smut.

They take a while to find, but that's why i'm developing this archive - to showcase the highest quality works from this genre. It's a tribute to the writers.

by Kingpin

18 years ago

Guido: Someone had posted a slash fic at and I responded probably a bit too heatedly that I didn't like how the characters got taken out of character so drastically… there was a brief argument and the story was removed and I think it nearly led to the author being banned… they then put the story up at Adult, which was really the place it should've been posted, if you ask me due to it's more mature issues.

Etc, etc.

by Noiseworker

18 years ago has been removing a lot of the, er, mature material - primarily because there are a lot of underaged ‘ficcers and, fair enough, slash shouldn’t have been lumped in with the more ‘vanilla’ stories.