Master Replicas is now Factory Replicas.

by metallico33

15 years, 3 months ago

I was just browsing on the internet looking for props and I remembered about master replicas wanting to do the proton pack so I went to the website just to see is there was anything cool or new from any movie and I saw that is not master replicas but “Factory Replicas” and its says “coming soon”, and I thought that this is why they dropped the proton pack plans of manufacturing that the company was maybe bought and they invented an excuse so that fans would not get mad or something.

by Dr.D

15 years, 3 months ago

If memory serves, the props were cancelled due to a problem of cost and accuracy. They couldn't make high grade proton packs and charge a resonable amount that they felt most collectors could pay.

by rodie1

15 years, 2 months ago

If memory serves, the props were cancelled due to a problem of cost and accuracy. They couldn't make high grade proton packs and charge a resonable amount that they felt most collectors could pay.

Exactly… They'd said that the prices they were aiming for were >$1000 for a Proton Pack and >$500 for a Trap. Don't know many people who could afford that for what's essentially a large toy that's not meant to be played with.

by Brendan_M

15 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, they aren't teh best company, I think they lost teh rights to the Muppets or are changing the way they make the Muppet replicas as well due to marketing and cost. Meh, it happens, it is a business.