Mattel's GBs for Sale (12 and 6 inch figs)

by Brendan_M

13 years, 3 months ago


I'm getting married in 11 months and need to sell some of my collection. Here's what I have for sale:

12 Inch Line
Venkman - 100 + Shipping
Zeddemore - 100 + Shipping

6 Inch Line
Walter Peck - 40 + Shipping

Retro Action RGB - $150 for the whole set of 5
Talking Peter from Citizen Ghost

If you can't afford the prices, I am always down to trade for other GB Merch, I'm a fan of the 6 inch Mattel line as well as the old Kenner RGB line. Let me know if you are interested in any of the figures, PM me and we'll swap emails and I'll send you photos. They are all in great condition.
